Having read through some past posts on this subject, my impression is
that the ncpa.cpl (network connections control panel) cannot be
launched independently if you are using a custom shell. You can launch
it by double clicking the "Network Connections" icon from the control
panel, but opening it from code or the command line with "control.exe
ncpa.cpl" will not work.
Before I go crazy and recreate the entire Network Connections UI with
C# and WMI I just want to make absolutely sure that my assumption is
correct, and this is still not possible.
that the ncpa.cpl (network connections control panel) cannot be
launched independently if you are using a custom shell. You can launch
it by double clicking the "Network Connections" icon from the control
panel, but opening it from code or the command line with "control.exe
ncpa.cpl" will not work.
Before I go crazy and recreate the entire Network Connections UI with
C# and WMI I just want to make absolutely sure that my assumption is
correct, and this is still not possible.