Hi, Tam.
Will may never see your response, since you clicked New, rather than Reply.
Always use Reply until you are ready to start a New conversation on a new
subject. Also, as you are composing your message, click the Include
Original button so that the previous message(s) will be copied into your
post, preserving the context of the conversation. Otherwise, your New
message is a disembodied ghost floating in the Internet cloud.
Your question of having an Internet Explorer window open full-screen is one
of the most-frequently asked questions. The full answer is long - and not
very satisfying. :>( The short answer is that IE remembers the size and
location of the LAST window closed when IE was shut down. So, be sure that
all IE windows are closed but the one you are working in. Then use the
arrows to stretch it to fill the screen. Then close this last (only) IE
window. Next time you open IE, its window should fill the screen. ;<)
Of course, if you close your big window and find a smaller window lurking
behind, when you close the small window, IE will remember THAT size for next
time. :>(
Also, IE seems to have a separate memory for its windows opened in different
ways: click the Desktop icon; click a link on a web page; click a link in
an Outlook Express message...and others. You may need to go through the
set-and-close exercise for each one of those ways.
Right-click on the IE icon and click Properties. On the pop-up screen, set
it to Run in a Maximized window. But this doesn't always work, it seems.
Remember, too, that a Maximized window is NOT the same as a Normal window
stretched to fill the screen, which is NOT the same as Full-Screen (also
known as Kiosk mode - toggled with the F11 key). They may look the same to
us humans, but IE knows the difference.