I'm working on a similar project. I have to display a message (a smal
.hta file) to the user before launching Microsoft Access XP. But I wan
to keep the Self-Healing functionality available.
So, I've replaced the 'Microsoft Access.lnk' file with a shortcut whic
launch a vbscript and I've modified the association type of .mdb file
in the same way that I've done with the shortcut.
Below, you will find the script part (lightened) which is execute
after the message has been closed by the user.
It creates an instance of the Microsoft Access XP application which i
intercepted by the Windows Installer service... The same kind o
process used by windows installer shortcuts. I've found thi
information on the following web page :
'COM Resources' (
the user executes a script that contains the following line:
oobj = createobject(\"myserver.mylib\")
the windows installer service 'intercepts' the request for an instanc
of the object, and based on settings contained in the installation
verifies that all key members of components provided by the featur
listed in the com tables are properly installed. since the file is no
found, the windows installer service reinstalls the appropriate feature
then allows the instance of the server to be created and handed back t
the calling script.
Here is the script I've written...
option explicit
dim objarguments, objaccess, fso
dim strfilepath
dim intcount, i
on error resume next
set objarguments = wscript.arguments
intcount = objarguments.count
select case intcount
case 0
strfilepath = empty
case else
for i = 0 to intcount - 2
strfilepath = strfilepath & objarguments(i) & \" \"
strfilepath = strfilepath & objarguments(i)
end select
set objarguments = nothing
set objaccess = createobject(\"access.application.10\")
if err.number <> 0 then
wscript.quit 1
end if
objaccess.visible = true
if not isempty(strfilepath) then
set fso = createobject(\"scripting.filesystemobject\")
if fso.fileexists(strfilepath) then
end if
set fso = nothing
end if
do while objaccess.visible
wscript.sleep 1000
set objaccess = nothing
That's all I've found concerning this matter. If you have foun
something else, please let me know...
Kind regards,