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I keep reading comments about how nobody will take you seriously if you use
Frontpage, and that a site built with Frontpage is substandard. What the heck
are they talking about? Is Frontpage the web on training wheels?
Don't listen to them They're WRONG! Many of us here have designed
professional web sites for work or personal use and they're every bit as
good as sites designed in any other tool. If the people making the comments
knew how to sue the tool their sites would look good too. I work for a
major company that employs thousands of developers ....... all using
FrontPage and Visual Studio.
The Dollmaker said:
I keep reading comments about how nobody will take you seriously if you use
Frontpage, and that a site built with Frontpage is substandard. What the
are they talking about? Is Frontpage the web on training wheels?

Merely by saying they show their ignorance... it's the webmaster that makes
the sites not the application, any tool can be used badly by any fool, the
same goes with frontpage as with dreamweaver or even notepad....

and if you don't use any bots how would they know what applicatin you used?


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The problem is real, but not for the reason that the critics usually cite.

FP by itself writes perfectly good code if you have some basic understanding
of how websites work and HTML. But most users of FP don't.

The problem is that MS made it far too easy to make a mess even if you are
totally clueless about what a web page is and is not.

The inclusion of all the FP-only bots etc, and the initial advertising of FP
as an almost Word like WYSIWYG "editor" meant that millions of websites had
code it in that only a mother could love. They gave all the tools, but not
much info on when not to use them.

And a lot of the FP includes, like photo gallery were downright poorly done
and should never have been included unless it was done right.

But millions of people used those bots and includes without really knowing
anything about them or how they worked. So you ended up with a lot of really
badly coded pages made with FP.
Is being taken seriously a good thing, or bad?
Personally, I'd rather not be taken seriously...I make more money that way.

|I keep reading comments about how nobody will take you seriously if you use
| Frontpage, and that a site built with Frontpage is substandard. What the
| are they talking about? Is Frontpage the web on training wheels?
Rob Giordano (Crash) said:
Is being taken seriously a good thing, or bad?
Personally, I'd rather not be taken seriously...I make more money that

Ha ha .. spot on Rob, well said.

If you rely on the opinions of others to make decisions, your decisions will
never be more successful than the people whose opinions you rely on. For
this reason, first, don't rely on the opinions of strangers, as you have no
idea what their track record in terms of success is. Only the opinions of
verifiable experts are likely to be helpful to you.

Second, if you think that by getting a broad range of opinions you are
likely to get a better idea of the truth, remember that statistically
speaking, the average quality of a random range of opinions is going to be
average. In fact, it is likely to be below average, as those who are most
likely to broadcast opinions are generally not very smart. An opinion is a
poor substitute for a fact. And that is a fact.

Third, "nobody" is an absolute, and as there are 7 billion people in the
world of all varieties, the likelihood that "nobody" will take you seriously
is infinitessimally small.

Fourth, of what value is being "taken seriously?" Robert Fulton, who
invented the first effective steamship, was the object of ridicule when he
launched his prototype. It was referred to as "Fulton's Folly." However, it
was incredibly successful, and made Robert Fulton a very rich man

As my Uncle Chutney would say, "Neither a follower nor a lender be."
Opinions are easy to come by, and those who rely on them are generally
either very young and inexperienced, or just plain lazy. With the Internet,
Google, and the easy access to world-wide information these days, not having
and using facts is inexcusable.

Now, as to the crux of your question: FrontPage, like all other successful
software, has evolved over the years, as has the Internet and the World-Wide
Web. FrontPage is, like Expression, Dreamweaver and other web development
software, a set of productivity tools. These tools enable you to work
faster, to do more work in less time, in much the same way that a car will
get you to work faster than walking. FrontPage provides a user interface
that enables you to write HTML in a more human-intuitive, visual way, as do
all of these other web development productivity tools.

The quality of the work you do will eventually depend upon how hard you work
to do it. Having a $300.00 camera will not make you a good photographer. To
be a good photographer, you must study photography, practice it, and
discipline yourself. Having a $300.00 camera will enable you to use all of
the capabilities of the camera, and that is all.

Ultimately, you must decide for yourself what your goals are. Do you want to
be a web developer? If so, and if you are diligent and self-disciplined, you
will become a successful web developer, regardless of what tools you use. On
the other hand, if you want to be popular with fools, then by all means,
stick your finger up into the wind, find out which way it's blowing, and go
where it leads you. But don't be surprised if the crowd you're following
turns out to be a herd of Lemmings.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Short Order Coder

The devil is in the yada yada yada
Hey,,,and I'm not kidding either! My personal tradename is Sirius Rob...all
3000 or so of my clients call me that...some even think it's my real name!

| | > Is being taken seriously a good thing, or bad?
| > Personally, I'd rather not be taken seriously...I make more money that
| > way.
| Ha ha .. spot on Rob, well said.
| Tina
Thank you, I feel better. I agree, some of the pre-designed stuff is wacky
and a basic knowledge of html goes a long way toward not only getting things
to look the way you want.