Latest Win2k updates keep installing over and over...




I have a question: I am using Windows 2000 on my computer. Here at work,
there is a network. I have admin rights over my computer. However, for the
last two or so weeks, there have been a number of updates available at the
updates website. My computer will alert me every morning that these updates
are available, download them and install them. All this is done
successfully. However if I manually check the Updates website or reboot my
machine, I get the same install prompt.

I realize this might be a permissions or so issue, but I have ran out of
options. I have had our network administrator look at my computer with no
luck. Is there something that I could point him to or something I could do
to check and see why this is happening? Like I said before I have admin
rights on my computer. Is there something else that might be missing?

thanks for any help...



JG said:

I have a question: I am using Windows 2000 on my computer. Here at
work, there is a network. I have admin rights over my computer.
However, for the last two or so weeks, there have been a number of
updates available at the updates website. My computer will alert me
every morning that these updates are available, download them and
install them. All this is done successfully. However if I manually
check the Updates website or reboot my machine, I get the same
install prompt.

I realize this might be a permissions or so issue, but I have ran out
of options. I have had our network administrator look at my computer
with no luck. Is there something that I could point him to or
something I could do to check and see why this is happening? Like I
said before I have admin rights on my computer. Is there something
else that might be missing?

thanks for any help...


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