You sure done have posted to a lot of groups. Why so many? Vista general
would have been sufficient. You're complaining about updates for Vista and
your perception they have something to do with a problem on your box simply
because of a time conincidence not because of any substantive evidence).
(Don't see your original thread--this is a phenom of the setup group the
last month to split and threads and hide the OP's post--why I don't
know--haven't seen that in years of using these groups) but Win Mail is the
bastard step child of Redmond MSFT--it's free and gets very little team
attention or support. The MVPs have to beg constantly to get them to move
their butts. That's cause Outlook is the MSFT cash cow with Office and the
27 Office related apps that make money.
I installed the updates. They installed from MSFT Update. They went in, I
rebooted and they don't slow down IE7 at all. Something amis is going on on
your box(es). I'd run spyware and antiviral scans and sfc. You can also
uninstall them and instlal them one by one if you like from
or from the MSFT Technet Security site. You can get the security newsletter
that often gives you the updates 2 weeks in advance.
I can tell you the bell shaped curve of people aren't having your
experience. I have Google and Windows Live search toolbars.