After the security updates a couple of weeks ago I noticed a couple (but not
all)ActiveX controls stopped working (Adobe Reader and InstallShield
Updater). I got around to dealing with it today and found the Windows Update
process fails to load its ActiveX control. I got Adobe working by
uininstalling/reinstalling. That failed for InstallShield and I see no
workaround for Windows Update (i followed the sites cookie cutter
I am assuming its a local security setting. I have no viruses and complete
administrator control over this machine. Any suggestions on what to look for
or where to head?
all)ActiveX controls stopped working (Adobe Reader and InstallShield
Updater). I got around to dealing with it today and found the Windows Update
process fails to load its ActiveX control. I got Adobe working by
uininstalling/reinstalling. That failed for InstallShield and I see no
workaround for Windows Update (i followed the sites cookie cutter
I am assuming its a local security setting. I have no viruses and complete
administrator control over this machine. Any suggestions on what to look for
or where to head?