Latest Critical Updates



I just attempted to download and install the latest Critical Updates into my
Windows XP Pro system. Those updates are KB828741, KB831167, KB835732,
KB837001, and KB837009.

During the attempt, the Microsoft Update site seemed extremely slow, and not
all of the updates got installed. Some failed to install. So after several
attempts I got 4 of the 5 updates installed, but the installation history
(even after rebooting) indicates that KB831167 failed to ever get installed.
Yet no Critical Updates are shown as needing to be installed. Anybody know



Hi Pap
I had same problem You had !!!!!!!!!
After I restarted My Machine Iam having Problems with Both The Internet Explorer and the Outlook Express and I've been working for the last 4 hours to get them fixed .. I never had problem with either one of them before I did the Update
I'm about to delete the updates.. or do last system restore .
Good Luc


Sorry about that. However, I am not having any (apparent) problems.
Everything works, including IE and OE. Been using both for over an hour
after downloading the critical updates. Nothing bad has happened so far.

Rony said:
Hi Papa
I had same problem You had !!!!!!!!!!
After I restarted My Machine Iam having Problems with Both The Internet
Explorer and the Outlook Express and I've been working for the last 4 hours
to get them fixed .. I never had problem with either one of them before I
did the Updates


Me Too I also noticed that since I did the Latest (7) Windows Critical Updates today ,, Every thing slowed down in my PC,,
I mean I could feel that every thing I do is not the same as It was before I did"The Recomended"(Windows critical Updates
I Did : (KB835732),(KB828741),(KB837001),(KB831167),(KB837009),(KB832894),(823559),(330994). 4 out of those 8 are related to Internet Explorer and Outlook Express. I'm gona wait untill tomorrow. If this Problem continues Im gona Uninstall / Delete all Those Windows Updates.. My PC was running Perfect before
Again Please tell me what You Mean by: redl flash.. sometimes the plugin gets corupt by spyware
or adware ??

Pop Rivet

Similar experience here, except I just left it there looking like it did
nothing and eventually it got everything installed. However, AFTER it
downloaded, and after I said OK to Install, it again accessed the internet
and downloaded another 3 Meg of data.
Just for GPs, I pinged the address I was at, then did a lookup on it,
and yes, it was indeed the right MS and the turn-around time was extremely
slow. I'll bet the weather was messing things up - we're east coast and I
know there's heavy weather in the midwest.
All seems fine - so far - but glad to have the heads up!



I think it's simply that many PCs have 'automatic notification of critical
updates' enabled, so everyone gets the pop-up message at about the same
time, downloads them & overloads the site.

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