Late Binding Outlook Problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter tmort
  • Start date Start date


I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code that
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as an
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does compile

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object, olmailitem As

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you wish
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS, [stto],
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate & "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to " &
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
..Zoom = False
..FitToPagesTall = 1000
..FitToPagesWide = 1
..Orientation = 2
..PrintGridlines = 0
..PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
..CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
..LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
..RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

..LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
..RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
..TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
..BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
..HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
..FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
..LineStyle = 1
..Weight = 2
..ColorIndex = -4105
End With

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
..Font.ColorIndex = 1
..Font.Bold = -1
..Interior.ColorIndex = 15
..Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

Set oexcel = Nothing
oapp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oapp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

..Recipients.Add (stto)
..subject = stsubject
..ReadReceiptRequested = -1
..body = stmessage
..Importance = olImportanceHigh
..Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

..Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
..Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
..subject = stsubject
..ReadReceiptRequested = -1
..body = stmessage
..Importance = olImportanceHigh
..Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile
what happens if you do a test with pFilename by hardcoding the filename?
what happens if you change the filename to a different name? different
folder? different path?
what was the error number and what was the description?

Jeanette Cunningham

tmort said:
I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as an
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does compile

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object, olmailitem

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

Set oexcel = Nothing
oapp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oapp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile
Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are you
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as an
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does compile

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object, olmailitem

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

Set oexcel = Nothing
oapp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oapp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
.Recipients.Add(stcc).Type = 2
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With

End If

Kill mPathAndFile
The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no longer
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically link the
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any tables.

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables

Douglas J. Steele said:
Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are you
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as an
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does compile

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object, olmailitem

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " & ststartDate
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & " to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3,"Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

Set oexcel = Nothing
oapp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oapp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also using
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should be

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow doubt
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically link
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any tables.

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables

Douglas J. Steele said:
Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & "
to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
End With

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
.Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Font.Bold = -1
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
.Interior.Pattern = 1
End With

Set osheet = Nothing 'disconnect from the Worksheet
oexcel.Close SaveChanges:=True 'Save (and disconnect from) the Workbook

Set oexcel = Nothing
oapp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oapp = Nothing


Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set outmsg = outApp.CreateItem(olmailitem)

If stcc = "" Then

With outmsg

.Recipients.Add (stto)
.subject = stsubject
.ReadReceiptRequested = -1
.body = stmessage
.Importance = olImportanceHigh
.Attachments.Add (mPathAndFile)

End With


With outmsg

.Recipients.Add(stto).Type = 1
I think I did find the problem of the file not saving. It actually saves the
file, but either because I had errors in ,y code and it didn't get to kell
mpathfilename or because I have to stop Excel after I am done saving it. I
noticed that I couldn't delete this file because it said it was open with
Excel. I didn't have Excel open but in the task manager I found a number of
instances where it was open. I closed all of them and it would save the file.

What command do I use to terminate Excel?

Also, I Made the change to -4162 and now the code gets hung up at:

With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With

I'll have to look into the other error more.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also using
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should be

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow doubt
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically link
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any tables.

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables

Douglas J. Steele said:
Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & "
to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105
You still didn't answer whether or not you've got a reference to Excel, or
if you're using Late Binding for it as well.

If you're using Late Binding, you must provide values for all of the
intrinsic Excel constants (the ones that start xl, like xlDiagonalDown,
xlDiagonalUp and so on).

Do you have VBA set up to require declaration of all variables? (I've never
understood why that's not the default!) Do the words "Option Explicit"
appear at the top of each module? If not, add them (and go into Tool |
Options and check the "Require Variable Declaration" box on the Editor tab
so that the line will appear on all subsequent modules) (The reason I'm
telling you this is that you'll quickly find out what constants haven't been
defined when you have that option set)

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
I think I did find the problem of the file not saving. It actually saves
file, but either because I had errors in ,y code and it didn't get to kell
mpathfilename or because I have to stop Excel after I am done saving it.
noticed that I couldn't delete this file because it said it was open with
Excel. I didn't have Excel open but in the task manager I found a number
instances where it was open. I closed all of them and it would save the

What command do I use to terminate Excel?

Also, I Made the change to -4162 and now the code gets hung up at:

With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With

I'll have to look into the other error more.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow doubt
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically link
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any tables.

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables


Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt &
to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

End With

With rngToFormat.Cells.Select

'With borders

oapp.Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2
oapp.Selection.Interior.Pattern = 1

oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown.LineStyle) = -4142
oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = -4142
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
.LineStyle = 1
.Weight = 2
.ColorIndex = -4105

I'm using late binding for Excel as well. I didn't have options explicit.
I've done so now and found a number of items that needed to be dimaensioned.
I also found some instances where I missed switching the xl constants to the
numeric constants.

I have to look over the code some more because now when I compile I get an
Else without an If message.

Also, the output file continues to be being held open by Excel and there is
an Excel process running that I have to turn off.

tmort said:
I think I did find the problem of the file not saving. It actually saves the
file, but either because I had errors in ,y code and it didn't get to kell
mpathfilename or because I have to stop Excel after I am done saving it. I
noticed that I couldn't delete this file because it said it was open with
Excel. I didn't have Excel open but in the task manager I found a number of
instances where it was open. I closed all of them and it would save the file.

What command do I use to terminate Excel?

Also, I Made the change to -4162 and now the code gets hung up at:

With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With

I'll have to look into the other error more.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also using
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should be

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow doubt
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

tmort said:
The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically link
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any tables.

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables


Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension are
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is code
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file as
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing with
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name specified.

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt & "
to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

You realize that in this case, your file name is "ABC Co" and the
extension is " P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls"?
Assuming you've got something like

Set xlCurr = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wkbCurr = xlCurr.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

then it's necessary to close the workbook using

wkbCurr.Close SaveChanges:=True

(or SaveChanges:=False if you don't want to save the changes), then quit the
application using

Set xlCurr = Nothing

I've been told that xlCurr.Quit should be sufficient though.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

tmort said:

I'm using late binding for Excel as well. I didn't have options explicit.
I've done so now and found a number of items that needed to be
I also found some instances where I missed switching the xl constants to
numeric constants.

I have to look over the code some more because now when I compile I get an
Else without an If message.

Also, the output file continues to be being held open by Excel and there
an Excel process running that I have to turn off.

tmort said:
I think I did find the problem of the file not saving. It actually saves
file, but either because I had errors in ,y code and it didn't get to
mpathfilename or because I have to stop Excel after I am done saving it.
noticed that I couldn't delete this file because it said it was open with
Excel. I didn't have Excel open but in the task manager I found a number
instances where it was open. I closed all of them and it would save the

What command do I use to terminate Excel?

Also, I Made the change to -4162 and now the code gets hung up at:

With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With

I'll have to look into the other error more.

Douglas J. Steele said:
Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables


Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the
data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry",
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt
& "
to "
stenddateatt & " Compliance Data.xls"

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , "compliance export qry",
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, True
'DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport,
True, "A1:G12"

mPathAndFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename


'Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oexcel = oapp.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=mPathAndFile)
Set osheet = oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry")

oapp.Visible = False
oapp.DisplayAlerts = False

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").Columns


End With

With oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export qry").PageSetup
.Zoom = False
.FitToPagesTall = 1000
.FitToPagesWide = 1
.Orientation = 2
.PrintGridlines = 0
.PrintTitleRows = "A1:S1"
'.LeftHeader =
.CenterHeader = "&14" & pFilename & "&10"
'.RightHeader =
.LeftFooter = "Report Created &D &T"
'.CenterFooter =
.RightFooter = "Page &P of &N"

.LeftMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.RightMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)
.TopMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.HeaderMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.FooterMargin = oapp.InchesToPoints(0.25)

End With

With osheet.Range("A1:S1")
Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance
David W. Fenton said:
You realize that in this case, your file name is "ABC Co" and the
extension is " P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls"?

I'm not sure that's true, David. At least, when I renamed a file to ABC Co.
P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls, Windows correctly
identified it as a Microsoft Excel Worksheet, which I've always assumed is
strictly based on the file extension.
I'm not sure that's true, David. At least, when I renamed a file
to ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls,
Windows correctly identified it as a Microsoft Excel Worksheet,
which I've always assumed is strictly based on the file extension.

OK, that may be the case. But it's simply not a good idea (in my
opinion) to have periods anywhere in a file name, except to
designate the *real* extension.
David W. Fenton said:
OK, that may be the case. But it's simply not a good idea (in my
opinion) to have periods anywhere in a file name, except to
designate the *real* extension.

No disagreement from me on that.

I had most of it but had

oApp.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from) Excel
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing

and changed it to

aoApp.Application.Quit 'Close (and disconnect from)
Set oexcel = Nothing
Set oApp = Nothing

I'm confused about this else without an if though. I was in a bicycle bus
accident and have a splint on my right hand which turns using the keyboard
into an adventure. I figured I just managed to delete or move something.
However, as I'm looking at the code I can't find any missing ifs or extra

It's a little off topic but cre to take a look?

Douglas J. Steele said:
Assuming you've got something like

Set xlCurr = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set wkbCurr = xlCurr.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

then it's necessary to close the workbook using

wkbCurr.Close SaveChanges:=True

(or SaveChanges:=False if you don't want to save the changes), then quit the
application using

Set xlCurr = Nothing

I've been told that xlCurr.Quit should be sufficient though.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

tmort said:

I'm using late binding for Excel as well. I didn't have options explicit.
I've done so now and found a number of items that needed to be
I also found some instances where I missed switching the xl constants to
numeric constants.

I have to look over the code some more because now when I compile I get an
Else without an If message.

Also, the output file continues to be being held open by Excel and there
an Excel process running that I have to turn off.

tmort said:
I think I did find the problem of the file not saving. It actually saves
file, but either because I had errors in ,y code and it didn't get to
mpathfilename or because I have to stop Excel after I am done saving it.
noticed that I couldn't delete this file because it said it was open with
Excel. I didn't have Excel open but in the task manager I found a number
instances where it was open. I closed all of them and it would save the

What command do I use to terminate Excel?

Also, I Made the change to -4162 and now the code gets hung up at:

With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With
With oapp.Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp)
.LineStyle = -4142
End With

I'll have to look into the other error more.


Periods in the file name shouldn't matter.

You mention that you're using Late Binding for Outlook. Are you also
Late Binding for Excel? If so, have you defined the value of xlUp?
(it's -4162)

As well, unless that line is inside a With construct, I think it should

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), osheet.Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

or possibly

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Cells(osheet.Rows.Count, "C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2)) '

Is the error message you posted the exact error message? I somehow
that Access is generating that error message: it's likely code in the
application that's checking for some condition, and raising the message

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

The file extension I am using is xls.

I think I found that problem, but, now I have two more.

I had some dummy data that put a "." in the file name where it didn't
belong. It was :

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

instead of

ABC Co. P0002 12-20-2007 to 12-21-2007 Compliance Data.xls

Now it chokes at:

Set rngToFormat = osheet.Range(oexcel.Worksheets("compliance export
qry").Range("S1"), .Cells(osheet.Rows.Count,
"C").end(xlUp).Offset(0, -2))

The db also has a front end and backend and for some reason I can no
open it (without using the shift key). It is set to automatically
front end to the backend or for you to point to the backend.

I get a message sying that:

File dbpath does not contain the required backenddb tables.

I haven't done anything to the backend to remove or change any

I know I'm vearing of topic but any ideas?

It still does this even if I manually link the tables


Don't know for sure that this is relevant, but what file extension
using? Access is picky in some cases.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

I have some code that I am trying to switch to late binding. It is
saves the result of a query as an Excel file, then sends this file
attaqchment to an Outlook email then deletes the file.

It used to work before I made both changes to the the code dealing
Excel and Outlook application/object.

Now I get an error at the line:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "process export qry", acFormatXLS,
CurrentProject.Path & "\" & pFilename, 0

saying that it cannot save the output file to the file name

As I mentioned this used to work before I made changes. It does

Any help will be appreciated.

The code is:

Function compexport()

Dim stto As String
Dim stcc As String
Dim stsubject As String
Dim ststartDate As String
Dim stenddate As String
Dim stfrmt As String
Dim stconame As String
Dim stmessage As String
Dim stnoto As String
Dim stnodate As String
Dim stnoconame As String
Dim stpermnumber As String
Dim ststartdateatt As String
Dim stenddateatt As String
Dim mPathAndFile As String, mFileNumber As Integer
Dim R As Recordset, mFieldNum As Integer
Dim mOutputString As String
Dim booDelimitFields As Boolean
Dim booIncludeFieldnames As Boolean
Dim mFieldDeli As String
Dim pbooIncludeFieldnames As String

Dim outApp As Object, objOutlook As Object, outmsg As Object,

Dim oexcel As Object
'Dim osheet As Worksheet
Dim osheet As Object
'Dim rngToFormat As Range
Dim rngToFormat As Object

stconame = Nz([Forms]![export form]![coname], "none")
ststartDate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![begin], "none")
ststartdateatt = Replace(ststartDate, "/", "-")
stenddate = Nz([Forms]![export form]![end], "none")
stenddateatt = Replace(stenddate, "/", "-")
stpermnumber = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cmbpermnumber], "none")
stfrmt = DLookup("[Comp_format]", "export format settings")
stsubject = stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& " " & "to" & " " & stenddate
stto = Nz([Forms]![export form]![to], "none")
stcc = Nz([Forms]![export form]![cc], "")
stmessage = Nz([Forms]![export form]![Message], "")
stnoto = "You forgot to enter a Send To email address"
stnodate = "You must enter a beginning and ending date for the
data you
to export"
stnoconame = "You forgot to enter a company name"

pbooIncludeFieldnames = "true"

If stto = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoto

Exit Function


If stconame = "none" Then

MsgBox stnoconame

Exit Function


If ststartDate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stendate = "none" Then

MsgBox stnodate

Exit Function


If stfrmt = "acFormatXLS" Then

'DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, "compliance export qry",
[stcc], , stconame & " " & "Compliance Sampling Data" & " " &
& "
" & "to" & " " & stenddate, [stmessage], False

pFilename = stconame & " P" & stpermnumber & " " & ststartdateatt
& "
to "
Sorry, there's a little too much to this thread for me to be able to
determine where the "else without an if" to which you're referring exists.