Maciej Franciszkowski
I would like to make vb.net code which print a raport from MS Access.
Found some example in vb6 but they do not comply with .net.
My question is how to update my code.
Now I get late binding by MS Access'es DoCmd.SendObject.
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMS As
Private Sub accAuth()
Dim accObj As Object, Msg As String
Dim application As String, dbs As String, workgroup As
Dim user As String, password As String, cTries As
Dim x
' This is the default location of Access
application = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
' Use the path and name of a secured MDB on your
dbs = "C:\P\P_WU_2003.mdb"
' This is the default workgroup
workgroup = "C:\P\System.mdw "
user = "user" ' Use a valid username
password = "pass" ' and correct password
x = Shell(application & " " & Chr(34) & dbs & Chr(34)
& " /nostartup /user " & user & _
" /pwd " & password & " /wrkgrp " & Chr(34) &
workgroup & Chr(34), vbMinimizedFocus)
accObj = GetObject(, "Access.Application")
' Turn off error handling
On Error GoTo 0
' You can now use the accObj reference to automate
Dim stReport As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim stEmailadd As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim stEmailMessage As String
accObj.DoCmd.SendObject(, "rptDoDost",
"PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "(e-mail address removed)", , , "Test", "TestMsg",
True, "")
'accObj.DoCmd.OutputTo(, "rptDoDost",
"PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "C:\Plan\1.pdf")
'stEmailMessage = "Please see the attached Inspection
Reports(PDF) for " & Me.RCnumber '
'stSubject = "Inspection for " & Me.RCnumber '
'stReport = "rptInspection"
'stWhere = "ISP_ID = " & Me.ISP_ID "'"
'stEmailadd =
"(e-mail address removed);[email protected];person3@email .com"
'accObj.OpenReport(stReport, acViewPreview, "",
stWhere, acWindowNormal, "")
'DoCmd.SetProperty stReport,
acPropertyCaption, "Inspection for " & Me.RCnumber [/QUOTE]
'accObj.SendObject(, stReport, "PDFFormat(*.pdf)",
stEmailadd, , , stSubject, stEmailMessage, True, "")
Msg = "Access is now open. You can click on Microsoft
Access "
Msg = Msg & "in the Taskbar to see that your database
is open."
Msg = Msg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "When ready, click OK to
accObj = Nothing
Console.WriteLine("All Done!")
Exit Sub
WAITFORACCESS: ' <--- This line must be left-aligned.
' Access isn't registered in the Running Object Table
yet, so call
' SetFocus to take focus from Access, wait half a
second, and try
' again. If you try five times and fail, then
something has probably
' gone wrong, so warn the user and exit.
'If cTries < 5 Then
'cTries = cTries + 1
'Sleep(500) ' wait 1/2 seconds
'Console.WriteLine("Access is taking too long. Process
'End If
'End Try
End Sub
I would like to make vb.net code which print a raport from MS Access.
Found some example in vb6 but they do not comply with .net.
My question is how to update my code.
Now I get late binding by MS Access'es DoCmd.SendObject.
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal dwMS As
Private Sub accAuth()
Dim accObj As Object, Msg As String
Dim application As String, dbs As String, workgroup As
Dim user As String, password As String, cTries As
Dim x
' This is the default location of Access
application = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
' Use the path and name of a secured MDB on your
dbs = "C:\P\P_WU_2003.mdb"
' This is the default workgroup
workgroup = "C:\P\System.mdw "
user = "user" ' Use a valid username
password = "pass" ' and correct password
x = Shell(application & " " & Chr(34) & dbs & Chr(34)
& " /nostartup /user " & user & _
" /pwd " & password & " /wrkgrp " & Chr(34) &
workgroup & Chr(34), vbMinimizedFocus)
accObj = GetObject(, "Access.Application")
' Turn off error handling
On Error GoTo 0
' You can now use the accObj reference to automate
Dim stReport As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim stEmailadd As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim stEmailMessage As String
accObj.DoCmd.SendObject(, "rptDoDost",
"PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "(e-mail address removed)", , , "Test", "TestMsg",
True, "")
'accObj.DoCmd.OutputTo(, "rptDoDost",
"PDFFormat(*.pdf)", "C:\Plan\1.pdf")
'stEmailMessage = "Please see the attached Inspection
Reports(PDF) for " & Me.RCnumber '
'stSubject = "Inspection for " & Me.RCnumber '
'stReport = "rptInspection"
'stWhere = "ISP_ID = " & Me.ISP_ID "'"
'stEmailadd =
"(e-mail address removed);[email protected];person3@email .com"
'accObj.OpenReport(stReport, acViewPreview, "",
stWhere, acWindowNormal, "")
'DoCmd.SetProperty stReport,
acPropertyCaption, "Inspection for " & Me.RCnumber [/QUOTE]
'accObj.SendObject(, stReport, "PDFFormat(*.pdf)",
stEmailadd, , , stSubject, stEmailMessage, True, "")
Msg = "Access is now open. You can click on Microsoft
Access "
Msg = Msg & "in the Taskbar to see that your database
is open."
Msg = Msg & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "When ready, click OK to
accObj = Nothing
Console.WriteLine("All Done!")
Exit Sub
WAITFORACCESS: ' <--- This line must be left-aligned.
' Access isn't registered in the Running Object Table
yet, so call
' SetFocus to take focus from Access, wait half a
second, and try
' again. If you try five times and fail, then
something has probably
' gone wrong, so warn the user and exit.
'If cTries < 5 Then
'cTries = cTries + 1
'Sleep(500) ' wait 1/2 seconds
'Console.WriteLine("Access is taking too long. Process
'End If
'End Try
End Sub