I can bind an arraylist to a combobox without a "late binding" error, but I
cannot get to the value directly. Because?
For example, I create an public arraylist of employee objects in the module
(note the Employee is a separate class with the 4 properties being
assigned). I can then bind that arraylist to a combo AND assign the
EmployeeID as a valuemember to the combo, but can NOT pull that value
directly for a comparison. I'm not sure why or what the error is telling me
about the "late binding" in the second case.
Public EmployeeList As New ArrayList
Public Sub PopulateEmployees()
Dim intEmpID As Int32
Dim strEmpFirst As String
Dim strEmpMiddle As String
Dim strEmpLast As String
Dim strEmployees As String = "SELECT * FROM OurPersonnel"
Dim strSQLServer As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
Dim daEmployees As New SqlDataAdapter(strEmployees, strSQLServer)
daEmployees.Fill(dsWinMatrix, "dtEmployees")
Dim EmployeeDataView As New
Dim intCounter As Int32 = EmployeeDataView.Count
For intCounter = 0 To intCounter - 1
intEmpID = EmployeeDataView.Item(intCounter).Item("EmployeeID")
strEmpFirst =
strEmpMiddle =
strEmpLast =
EmployeeList.Add(New Employee(intEmpID, strEmpFirst,
strEmpMiddle, strEmpLast))
End Sub
'no problems here
cmbEmployee.DisplayMember = ToString()
cmbEmployee.ValueMember = "EmployeeID"
cmbEmployee.DataSource = EmployeeList
'late binding error here with Option Strict ON
If IsDBNull(dsFoundRow("ConfirmEntryEmpID")) = False Then
'error on THIS line
If dsFoundRow("ConfirmEntryEmpID") =
EmployeeList.Item(intCounter).EmployeeID Then
cmbConfirmEmployee.Text = EmployeeList.Item(intCounter).ToString
End If
Else : cmbConfirmEmployee.Text = ""
End If
cannot get to the value directly. Because?
For example, I create an public arraylist of employee objects in the module
(note the Employee is a separate class with the 4 properties being
assigned). I can then bind that arraylist to a combo AND assign the
EmployeeID as a valuemember to the combo, but can NOT pull that value
directly for a comparison. I'm not sure why or what the error is telling me
about the "late binding" in the second case.
Public EmployeeList As New ArrayList
Public Sub PopulateEmployees()
Dim intEmpID As Int32
Dim strEmpFirst As String
Dim strEmpMiddle As String
Dim strEmpLast As String
Dim strEmployees As String = "SELECT * FROM OurPersonnel"
Dim strSQLServer As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
Dim daEmployees As New SqlDataAdapter(strEmployees, strSQLServer)
daEmployees.Fill(dsWinMatrix, "dtEmployees")
Dim EmployeeDataView As New
Dim intCounter As Int32 = EmployeeDataView.Count
For intCounter = 0 To intCounter - 1
intEmpID = EmployeeDataView.Item(intCounter).Item("EmployeeID")
strEmpFirst =
strEmpMiddle =
strEmpLast =
EmployeeList.Add(New Employee(intEmpID, strEmpFirst,
strEmpMiddle, strEmpLast))
End Sub
'no problems here
cmbEmployee.DisplayMember = ToString()
cmbEmployee.ValueMember = "EmployeeID"
cmbEmployee.DataSource = EmployeeList
'late binding error here with Option Strict ON
If IsDBNull(dsFoundRow("ConfirmEntryEmpID")) = False Then
'error on THIS line
If dsFoundRow("ConfirmEntryEmpID") =
EmployeeList.Item(intCounter).EmployeeID Then
cmbConfirmEmployee.Text = EmployeeList.Item(intCounter).ToString
End If
Else : cmbConfirmEmployee.Text = ""
End If