Last two side holes closed as well.

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Skybuck Flying


Here a little update on my DreamPC of 2006.

Today I decided to close the last two holes of the case as well. (I had a
rare system freeze/**** up the other day during Civ3Conquest, probably
heat-related? or maybe GSM related ? radio interference ?)

I did this so the motherboard temperature is more stable.

Because closing the holes on the sides probably leads to more windtunnel

The CPU temperature probably becomes higher this way... but the motherboard
temperature stays stable.

I think keeping the motherboard temperature stable is more important...

Because CPU's can handle pretty high temperatures... but motherboards seems
to be come unstable at 5x degrees.

The power box's fan is now also spinning a little bit harder than normal
under system load... which is probably good and helps transport more heat

I also ran some demos and graphics and such... nothing big like BF2 yet

The graphics cards are not even breaking a sweat... but I wonder if they
might suck away air that's supposed to go to the cpu...

I plan on testing this new airflow setup the coming weeks and months ;)

Hopefully I don't regret it :)


I just played some BF2.

Temperatures were something like:

CPU: 54 to 55 Degrees.
Motherboard: 49 Degrees, very stable.
GPU1: 63 Degrees.
GPU2: 56 Degrees.

Room temperature: 24 degrees.

Rounds per minute:

CPU: 3792
Chassis: 1205
Power: 865

I like it.

I will recommend you get a bigger colling fan and install it in your
CPU casing also change the one you are currently using. This has
happened to me. The colling fan does not funtion properly. when opened
the fans funtions. But close it tend to slow down. What i did is to
change the colling fan. So that is the solution to your problem. if
you still need more information you can search
simple use the search box.

Isaac Okoye
Information Rules the World
isaac4all said:
I will recommend you get a bigger colling fan and install it in your
CPU casing also change the one you are currently using. This has
happened to me. The colling fan does not funtion properly. when opened
the fans funtions. But close it tend to slow down. What i did is to
change the colling fan. So that is the solution to your problem. if
you still need more information you can search
simple use the search box.

Well you must ofcourse not completely close your case.

There must be air in as well.

The case has two side-front air holes with two little fans blowing cool air
in as well.

I just noticed something else by holding my hand to the back of the chassis

On the left side, the air is warm.

On the right side, the air feels cold.

The cold air is blown in from the left side to the right side.

So maybe the cold air is being blown in from the wrong side. (left, to

If the cold air was being blown in towards the motherboard (right to left)
it might be more effective.

One idea which might help is to:

Fill up the space inside the case with accessive material.

This would force the cold air to go past the motherboard.

However this idea sound a bit risky to me, it should not obstruct the air
flow... but just guide it a bit...

Maybe I try this sometime with a little piece of card board to see what

Also the system is in idle mode mostly at the moment.

So maybe if it becomes more active the air might not be so cool... so I
don't know what would happen if the system becomes more active...

The cardboard idea is worth an experiment some time though :)

Now I just need to get some good cardboarding skills and such cardboard to
mess up :)


I look into it.

I don't want to order a cooling fan over the internet.

Because the transport cost will almost be as much as the cost of the fan

But maybe the local pc store has a nice fan ;)

I did little experiment.

Holding a piece of paper before the cold air flow was actually bad for some

The CPU fan started spinning harder which can't be a good sign.

Then I also turned it around... and hold paper for hot airflow... that
seemed a little bit better.

So apperently it's good if the heat goes away from the cpu... so a little
bit of air room around it is probably good.

Also it seems the door is bad.

The door blocks airflow a little bit.

It's better to keep the door open...

Also I came to this conclusion the following way:

Output airflow is: 83,3 M^3/H

Input airflow is: 33 M^3/H maybe 66 M^3/H but probably 33 M^3/H. (5 volt)

So conclusion to little input air flow.

I opened the front door and it's a bit cooler now.. one degree at least ;)

Fans spinning a bit slower now too nice still decreasing...

Maybe I need faster input air flow ;)

Today something bad happened.

The operating system crashed with a blue screen, and then on reboot it
crashed again with a blue screen.

I knew something was wrong... I couldn't hear the cpu fan spinning... so I
decided to check the inside of the case.

There I noticed the plastic stickers came off and where lieing on the
graphics card probably short circuiting the cards.

The cpu fan was still spinning though.

I immediatly remove the plastic stickers.

Apperently the air flow sucked the stickers off the casing.

So this time I place the stickers on the outside of the case near the cpu...

Few... I haven't tested the graphics cards yet... but they will probably
still work fine :) LOL.

(The other holes have plastic on the inside... there it is no problem...
since the airflow is blowing against it.)

Norman Peelman said:
Plastic doesn't conduct electricity.

How about static electricity ? ;)



But maybe you right... maybe the chip just died because of overheat... or
maybe because my fingers touched it when I removed the plastic ;) BBZZZZZZ
<- discharge ;)

Who knows !
