I have come to the conclusion that it is becoming to hard to separate RL
from Usenet, so to save some and or me from physical harm, I have decided to
pull the plug, Don't bother posting; because I won't be reading it, My web
site will also be coming down.
To those that feel I have wronged them, I apologize
to those that I may have helped your welcome.
to those who I used there code without giving them credit, even though I did
so completely legally I offer apologies,
Good by
from Usenet, so to save some and or me from physical harm, I have decided to
pull the plug, Don't bother posting; because I won't be reading it, My web
site will also be coming down.
To those that feel I have wronged them, I apologize
to those that I may have helped your welcome.
to those who I used there code without giving them credit, even though I did
so completely legally I offer apologies,
Good by