My Contacts list is sorted by Last Name. Existing contacts show as
FirstName LastName (e.g. Bill Smith) in the "Full Name" window for the
contact display, but the "File As" window shows "Smith, Bill" which is what
I want. If I crete a new contact, and type "Bill Smith" in the "Full Name"
window, the "File As" window will display "Bill, Smith" unless I change it
manually. How do I get it to default to the form used by the existing
contacts? I am using Outlook 2003, SP1.
FirstName LastName (e.g. Bill Smith) in the "Full Name" window for the
contact display, but the "File As" window shows "Smith, Bill" which is what
I want. If I crete a new contact, and type "Bill Smith" in the "Full Name"
window, the "File As" window will display "Bill, Smith" unless I change it
manually. How do I get it to default to the form used by the existing
contacts? I am using Outlook 2003, SP1.