Peter Blackett
I have this query...
SELECT [Sales Ledger Transactions].STSLMN, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STDate) AS LastDate, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STMN) AS LastOfSTMN, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STPaymentAmount) AS
LastOfSTPaymentAmount, Last([Sales Ledger
Transactions].STForeignPayment) AS LastOfSTForeignPayment
FROM [Sales Ledger Transactions]
WHERE ((([Sales Ledger Transactions].STPaymentAmount)<>0))
GROUP BY [Sales Ledger Transactions].STSLMN;
And on 2 PCs it doesnt fetch the last Sales Transaction
from the table. (in this case they are chqs)
These 2 machines are runnning
Win 2k server ACCESS xp (10.2627.4219) SP2
Win 2k Prof. ACCESS xp (10.2616.2625)
2 Machines that it does work on...
Win 2k server access xp (10.2627.2625) SP2
win 2k pro access xp (10.4302.4219)
for a STSLMN of 13169304 and date of 14/05/04 and 14/06/04
it brings up the older date instead of the newer record.
the STMN is also higher on the later record too so its not
picking up a lower value from anywhere else....
Any help?
SELECT [Sales Ledger Transactions].STSLMN, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STDate) AS LastDate, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STMN) AS LastOfSTMN, Last([Sales
Ledger Transactions].STPaymentAmount) AS
LastOfSTPaymentAmount, Last([Sales Ledger
Transactions].STForeignPayment) AS LastOfSTForeignPayment
FROM [Sales Ledger Transactions]
WHERE ((([Sales Ledger Transactions].STPaymentAmount)<>0))
GROUP BY [Sales Ledger Transactions].STSLMN;
And on 2 PCs it doesnt fetch the last Sales Transaction
from the table. (in this case they are chqs)
These 2 machines are runnning
Win 2k server ACCESS xp (10.2627.4219) SP2
Win 2k Prof. ACCESS xp (10.2616.2625)
2 Machines that it does work on...
Win 2k server access xp (10.2627.2625) SP2
win 2k pro access xp (10.4302.4219)
for a STSLMN of 13169304 and date of 14/05/04 and 14/06/04
it brings up the older date instead of the newer record.
the STMN is also higher on the later record too so its not
picking up a lower value from anywhere else....
Any help?