Does anyone know the easiest way (i.e. most
efficient/fewest code lines/fastest code, etc.) to select
the S.E. corner or bottom right cell address from a single
area range address stored in a variable?
For example, if my variable contains: strRange = "$2:$4"
My function would return the string: "$IV$4"
If my variable contains: strRange = "$BA457:FJ1057"
My function would return the string: "$FJ$1057"
Your example code would be most appreciated. Thanks much
for your assistance.
Does anyone know the easiest way (i.e. most
efficient/fewest code lines/fastest code, etc.) to select
the S.E. corner or bottom right cell address from a single
area range address stored in a variable?
For example, if my variable contains: strRange = "$2:$4"
My function would return the string: "$IV$4"
If my variable contains: strRange = "$BA457:FJ1057"
My function would return the string: "$FJ$1057"
Your example code would be most appreciated. Thanks much
for your assistance.