Last Cell Info


Ed Davis

I have a column lets call it F that has 53 rows.
Numbers go into the cell after something is entered in another column so it
is a formula.

I want to use the last number in that F column. It may be in any row from 1
through 53.

Is there a way to get that number.

Thanks in advance
Ed Davis


For the last numerical value, try...


Hope this helps!

Peo Sjoblom

That's impossible, it will return either #N/A or the last numerical value
(if there are no numbers)

Ed Davis

There are numbers between in cells f11 through f17.

When I change the lookup to f1-f17 I do get the number I am looking for that
is in row 17. But leaving the lookup as it is shows me nothing.
Remember there are formula's in almost every other row.

Ed Davis

I just realized that the formula = 0 unless something is in another cell.
Is there a way to just look for a number other than 0?

Peo Sjoblom

I am saying that the formula cannot return nothing, either you will get an
error or you will get a number. Nothing is impossible. If your values are
text numbers you will get #N/A. To me it sounds as though you have changed
the formula somehow and I don't see what formulas in every other row has
anything to do with this?

Ed Davis

The formulas return a zero. And I had zeros turned off so that is why I saw
nothing. The actual number is a zero.

Peo Sjoblom

If indeed you have a zero in the last cell it will return that, try this


Ed Davis

That worked thank you very much.

Peo Sjoblom said:
If indeed you have a zero in the last cell it will return that, try this


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