Laserjet 3052 is missing

  • Thread starter =?iso-8859-1?q?Christian_M=F8ller_Nielsen?=
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Hello all.
After installing VISTA Ultimate 64 BIT, I can't use my printer. It's
HP LaserJet 3052 connected by USB cable. (it's a multifunction unit
with printer, scanner and fax all-in-one). When I plugged in the USB
cable, Windows recognized the hardware and told me that the drivers
was successfully installed, but when I go to control panel, I can't
find the printer and I can't select the printer when I want to print
something. I can only select fax and "Microsoft XPS Document Writer"
when I try to print anything.
When I go to control panel -> System -> Devise Manager I can see the
LaserJet two places. One is "Picture units" where it's located as a
scanner and the other place is under IEEE1284.4 where it's located as
HP LaserJet (DOT4USB)
How do I get Windows to recognize my LaserJet as a printer?
I tried to download new drivers from but when I try to
install them, I get a notice that says that Windows automatically
installs USB units, and I can only install it if I have a cable to
LPT port OR COM port. It's not possible to insert a printer cable
the LaserJet.
I tried to install the driver without the USB cable plugged in, but
VISTA says that I cannot install drivers for USB devices, only
for COM or LTP ports.




Check in Control Panel > Printers to see whether the printer icon is
displayed. Also, under File (in Control Panel, Printers) select Server
Properties and look under the Drivers tab. Your printer should appear there
if it's installed. If not, select Add a Printer to see whether you can find
it listed as a choice to install. If the menu bar is hidden, right click the
menu bar area and unhide it.

In addition, in Device Manager, under View (at the top menu), select Show
Hidden Devices. In the window that opens, the printer should be displayed.
If it is, note whether any error messages, or other indication of errors, are
displayed. Follow any instructions for correcting any problems. Post back.


Have you seen the firmware update for that 3052?

Go there and study the fixes listed and the installation instructions.

I tried to install the driver without the USB cable plugged in,

This is the normal procedure for USB devices -- install the software
without the cable plugged in and using the maker's (HP) installation
file. Otherwise VISTA grabs and tries to do its thing and it doesn't
have what you need.

I'd suggest cleaning up any software you have installed, figure out how
to update the firmware -- you might have to find an XP computer it can
talk with -- and then start again by installing the HP software before
connecting the USB cable to the PC. Don't use Add new printer.

Hope that helps.


Have you seen the firmware update for that 3052?

Go there and study the fixes listed and the installation instructions.

This is the normal procedure for USB devices -- install the software
without the cable plugged in and using the maker's (HP) installation
file. Otherwise VISTA grabs and tries to do its thing and it doesn't
have what you need.

I'd suggest cleaning up any software you have installed, figure out how
to update the firmware -- you might have to find an XP computer it can
talk with -- and then start again by installing the HP software before
connecting the USB cable to the PC. Don't use Add new printer.

Hope that helps.

I will try to. I'll make a clean VISTA install and try installing the
driver that way.




Check in Control Panel > Printers to see whether the printer icon is

It is. The icon was displayed after trying to install HP driver
(without the usb cable pluged in)

Also, under File (in Control Panel, Printers) select Server
Properties and look under the Drivers tab.

I cannot find anything called "File" or "Server Properties" :blush:(
Your printer should appear there
if it's installed. If not, select Add a Printer to see whether you can find
it listed as a choice to install. If the menu bar is hidden, right click the
menu bar area and unhide it.

In addition, in Device Manager, under View (at the top menu), select Show
Hidden Devices. In the window that opens, the printer should be displayed.
If it is, note whether any error messages, or other indication of errors, are
displayed. Follow any instructions for correcting any problems. Post back.

I see the hardware listed 2 times.
1) Pictureunits
HP LaserJet 3052 Scanner
2) IEEE 1284.4 - units
HP LaserJet 3052 (DOT4USB)



If my reading of your descriptions is correct, it seems as though your
printer is installed. You see it twice because you see it as a scanner and
also as a printer. It appears as though you also see it as a USB device, as
well as a IEEE (Firewire) device. I suppose your printer can be used either
way. From a distance, I'd say it's installed, but I'm not there to see for
myself. Also, you don't see File in Control Panel > Printers because your
menu bar is hidden. You have to unhide it.

So, I need to know what you mean when you say, "I can't select a printer"
(words to that effect). In Control Panel, Printers, can you print a test

Also, in Documents (formerly My Documents), can you right click a document
and select Print and get output at the printer?

In Word or in Word Pad (or any application from which you can print), when
you click on File and then on Print, is a printer available when you click on
Find a Printer or on Select a Printer?

If all else fails, perhaps you have a USB device recognition issue that can
be resolved by deleting the INFCACHE.1 file. It can get corrupted with bad
data and cause issues like you MAY have. The file is located at:
C:\Windows\inf. There, scroll down to the INFCACHE.1 file and right click it
and select delete. To do this, you will likely have to give yourself
permission to delete it, because of Windows built-in Security. Just right
click the file, select Properties and then click on the security tab. Let us
know whether this procedure does anything. Sometimes it does and sometimes it
doesn't, but I'm not convinced you have this problem. Post back on results.



I overlooked explaining how to find Server Properties, when you can't get
your Menu bar to appear in Control Panel > Printers. There, just right click
an empty space and select Server Properties. After you do this, you want
select the Driver tab to confirm that your printer appears as installed. If
you see it, it's installed! Now all you have to do is figure out how to use
it. That's my take on it, anyway.



If my reading of your descriptions is correct, it seems as though your
printer is installed. You see it twice because you see it as a scanner and
also as a printer. It appears as though you also see it as a USB device, as
well as a IEEE (Firewire) device. I suppose your printer can be used either
way. From a distance, I'd say it's installed, but I'm not there to see for
myself. Also, you don't see File in Control Panel > Printers because your
menu bar is hidden. You have to unhide it.

It is a multi function machine, with scanner and printer in one
machine. I can use the scanner, but it only scan 50-75% of a page, so
I guessed that the driver wasn't installed correct? But I tried to
install a new in so many different ways, that I can think of no more.

When I look in serversettings->drivers, I can see that there are
different drivers installed. Yhe latest is selected to be standard (I
don't know if it's possible to uninstall the others and some old
So, I need to know what you mean when you say, "I can't select a printer"
(words to that effect). In Control Panel, Printers, can you print a test

I think I explained myself wrong? When I plugged in the USB cable
first time, there was no printer icon. There was one under scanner.
After installing the driver downloaded from HP ( ->
the PCL6 driver) an icon appeared in control panel/printers. I can now
select the printer in word and other programs too. When I try to print
a picture or a document or a test page, there is a message in the
printque (I don't know if that is the English word, but it's where I
can see what documents are waiting to be printed). In status it just
says ERROR.
If all else fails, perhaps you have a USB device recognition issue that can
be resolved by deleting the INFCACHE.1 file. It can get corrupted with bad
data and cause issues like you MAY have. The file is located at:
C:\Windows\inf. There, scroll down to the INFCACHE.1 file and right click it
and select delete.

I renamed it (because I do not know if I need it back?)
It didn't help, even after rebooting.




I think it's best to start over. In Server Properties, Drivers tab, you can
highlight the installed drivers and click on the Remove button. I don't know
how many drivers you have installed, or which are the correct ones, and it's
impossible for me to know what happened in your situation. After removing
all the drivers, reboot and then Windows should detect new hardware and
reinstall everything correctly.

Now you know where to look to determine whether the printer is installed
correctly (Control Panel, Printers). The first thing you do after installing
the printer is to print a test page. Post back on results.


I think it's best to start over. In Server Properties, Drivers tab, you can
highlight the installed drivers and click on the Remove button. After removing
all the drivers, reboot and then Windows should detect new hardware and
reinstall everything correctly.

Done. All drivers removed. PC rebooted.
Downloaded new driver (I use the 32 bit and not the 64 as you link to,
because it's the 32 bit VISTA I have currently installed. I swiched
from 64 to 32 because I hoped that it might solve the problems, but it
didn't and I started this tread asking for help)
Now you know where to look to determine whether the printer is installed
correctly (Control Panel, Printers). The first thing you do after installing
the printer is to print a test page.

I unplugged the USB cable. Then I run install.exe from the folder
where the drivers were unzipped. The install.ext automatically start
the driver wizard in VISTA, and it says that USB printers should not
be installed, because windows automatically install them. ( --->in danish, and next to the windows
wizard, the HP install wizard is shown). Anyway, I click "add local
printer" and I select USB Virtual printer Port. After some time the
wizard says it's finished and the driver was installed sucessfully.
Then I reboot and plug in the USB cable and go to controlpanel/printer
and try to print a test page. Nothing happens. It just says"error" in
the printque.

VISTA does not detect new hardware, so I guess that i remember that
the device has been plugged in earlier?




I'm now confused. First you say you have 64 bit Vista installed, then you
say you have 32 bit Vista installed. To make sure what you have, right click
Computer (formerly My Computer) and select Properties. In the Window that
opens, you can see what Vista shows you have installed. Then, make sure your
are using the correct driver and try installing it again after removing the
drivers you installed earlier. Don't use any driver other than a HP driver,
or the driver supplied by Vista.

If Vista shows that you don't need to install drivers because the drivers
are installed automatically, then follow that advice and try installing those
drivers automatically, after removing the drivers you previously installed
and rebooting with the printer connected to a USB port.

It does no harm to try different things. That is, also try installing with
the printer while it is connected to a USB port. If that doesn't work, you
can always start over. Also, HP is your best source of information for
installing a HP printer. If you can't get the printer installed, try
contacting HP support for assistance. HP should know more than I about
installing a HP printer. Just some ideas to consider. Post back or results.



I posted this earlier. I'm posting it again so you should try this before
you try to install the printer again: If all else fails, perhaps you have a
USB device recognition issue that can be resolved by deleting the INFCACHE.1
file. It can get corrupted with bad data and cause issues like you MAY have.
The file is located at: C:\Windows\inf. There, scroll down to the INFCACHE.1
file and right click it and select delete. To do this, you will likely have
to give yourself permission to delete it, because of Windows built-in
Security. Just right click the file, select Properties and then click on the
security tab. Sometimes corrects the problem and sometimes it doesn't.



I'm now confused. First you say you have 64 bit Vista installed,

I'm sorry, it was my mistake. I Should have written 32 bit in my first
post. Sorry for any problems it have given you.

I did try to call HP, but they can't help me. They know they have a
problem, but they do not have the solution. Thats why I try in news

As posted earlier, I tried to delete INFACHE1 but that didn't help me.

I did try to follow the VISTA wizard as my first option to install the
printer, that didn't help me either.

I guess I have to wait for HP to get a solution or just sell the
printer and byu a new one from another company.




I'm out of ideas. I think you have tried everything you can try, apart from
spanking the printer! Maybe try the automatic Vista install one more time.
After removing any prior drivers and after deleting the infcache.1 file,
connect the printer and reboot. That's all I can think of. Sorry for this
condition. I don't know whether this is a HP problem or a Vista problem.


I'm out of ideas. I think you have tried everything you can try, apart from
spanking the printer! Maybe try the automatic Vista install one more time.
After removing any prior drivers and after deleting the infcache.1 file,
connect the printer and reboot. That's all I can think of. Sorry for this
condition. I don't know whether this is a HP problem or a Vista problem.

Thank you for your help and patience.

I will try your suggestion later today. If it does not help, I will
try to call HP Support once more, to see if they got any new ideas.




Just a reminder, during your last try, in addition to removing the drivers
and the cache file (if any), also remove any printer related entries in
Device Manager, including those under Hidden Devices. Never say never.



Just a reminder, during your last try, in addition to removing the drivers
and the cache file (if any), also remove any printer related entries in
Device Manager, including those under Hidden Devices. Never say never.

Ok, i'll give it a try.


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