`A tower nj
I have a HP LaserJet 4L printer that I've never changed the toner cartridge
on. So I started shopping around on line tonight to see what they cost.
Most places sell them for $98, and remanufactured ones for $75, but on
pricewatch.com the cheapest ones were $30.
Can anybody tell me if it's ok to use the cheap ones? I mean this is a
really GOOD printer, and I wouldn't want to mess it up by using
cheap toner. If that's possible.
I have a HP LaserJet 4L printer that I've never changed the toner cartridge
on. So I started shopping around on line tonight to see what they cost.
Most places sell them for $98, and remanufactured ones for $75, but on
pricewatch.com the cheapest ones were $30.
Can anybody tell me if it's ok to use the cheap ones? I mean this is a
really GOOD printer, and I wouldn't want to mess it up by using
cheap toner. If that's possible.