-----Original Message-----
Hi Louie,
Well, even after reading your repost I agree with Joe's
initial comment that it isn't clear why the variation in
data has anything to do with the space delimiter. From
the repost it sounds like sometimes the user name (Admin
in the sample) would be a dash instead, but that wouldn't
create a problem as long as a space was still inserted
after. Maybe I misread your post.
It does seem like you may have problems with embedded
spaces if all text fields are not qualified with quotes.
In any case, you can write code to open the text file and
read the contents (line by line) into a variable, work
with the contents of the line and then output it.
I have done this in cases where I received csv files from
third parties that had embedded quotes and commas that
were preventing the data from importing correctly. I
used code to go through line by line to identify problem
lines and replace the embedded quotes and commas.
Basically I first counted the quotes and commas and
checked for extras, if there were extras then it would go
through to identify the positions of the embedded ones
and replace them using some defined logic that worked in
all cases in that particular file.
In order to do this though, you have to be able to
identify some logic that will be able to correct the
problems in all cases. It sounds like you may be able to
do this since your data is fairly structured.
If you are interested, the code would look something like
the following (without the dim statements, file path
variable assignments and error handler). strFileName
(In/Out) would contain the path and file name to the
appropriate file.
intOutputHandle = FreeFile
Open FileNameOut For Output As #intOutputHandle
intInputHandle = FreeFile
Open strFileNameIn For Input As #intInputHandle
Do While Not EOF(intInputHandle)
Line Input #intInputHandle, strBuffer
(put your code here to analyze/manipulate strBuffer)
Print #intOutputHandle, strBuffer
Close #intInputHandle
Close #intOutputHandle
And, actually on mine I also output some statistics to a
second output file (such as line number, comma count, and
quote count). That way I could see which lines had been
manipulated and check some of them to see if the code
appeared to work correctly.
HTH, Ted Allen
-----Original Message-----
I have a WebsitePro Access Log Combined (W3C/NCSA) Format
file; and yes, I know there is an ODBC routine out there
to do this, but my company doesn't want to spend the money
to get it because we are abandoning WebSite Pro in the
next few months. The data is on a classified system so I
will attempt to recreate the problem with generic data. I
already see problems with the blank delimiters...
An example from the book (string these together with a
space between fields. (IP Address)
gryphonaire.com (Hostname of server
receiving request)
Admin (Authentication user name)
[02/Jan/2001:09:44:56 - 0800] (Date timestamp UTC offset)
"GET /members.html HTTP/1.1" (Complete HTTP request)
200 (HTTP Response Code)
178 (Number of bytes transfered)
http://gryphonaire.com/index.html" (Complete referring
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)" (ID of
"Member=WebSiteRules" (Cookie)
The problem in the Access import is if the Authentication
username isn't available. WSP puts in a - This is
common for most of the requests. When an actual ID is
present, it doesn't fit the pattern with the others. The
data is consistantly like the above example (", [, and
Hopefully that explains it.