My site is well over 500 mb. I don't do a full publish. I only publish each
file as I change it. Today I got a timed out message within a few seconds of
trying to publish. The dedicated server host recalculated hyperlinks and
reinstalled extensions but I'm stil getting the same error plus now I can't
save changes in my local. They're telling me that FP 2003 can't handle sites
over 500 mb but I have trouble believing that. I'm on broadband. Thanks.
file as I change it. Today I got a timed out message within a few seconds of
trying to publish. The dedicated server host recalculated hyperlinks and
reinstalled extensions but I'm stil getting the same error plus now I can't
save changes in my local. They're telling me that FP 2003 can't handle sites
over 500 mb but I have trouble believing that. I'm on broadband. Thanks.