Large rounded bloke going on a diet, D'oh

Jan 14, 2006
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OK, as i seem to have got a bit like Homer J in size, so i'm on an enforced diet.
Want to loose 1 stone+ and get my body fat % from 25 to under 22 or even 20 by Christmas.
Going to the gym most days and doing a good CV workout & a few weights + situps & tummy tucks.

So anyone got any top tips on food to eat?
Needs to be low fat & low sugar, as sweets, biscuits & cakes are out i need to find something to eat which i will enjoy if i get a craving suddenly, but please no rabbit food!

Any help or advice most welcome, as is the odd pee taking;)
Feckit on a diet:eek:
Mr Kipling will go bust

Good luck with it though:thumb:
Im not much of a fruit or veg person, dont understand how these people can have snacks of raw carrots or dried apricots, buffoons!! :-)

Try getting a big bag of raisins for snacking on. Also, to loose weight, its best to eat lots of little meals rather than 3 large ones. Good luck mate.
Nooooo! Raisins are full of calories! :eek:

My tips would be:
1. Eat little and often, rather than 3 big meals a day
2. Don't have more carbs than your body can burn off
3. Loads of fruit and veg :)
4. Eat a little bit of what you love - everything in moderation!
5. Get a recipe book (or look online) for meal ideas
OK then Bex, how about we eat raisins but in order to disguise they are raisins, we cover them in chocolate?
Thanks Sexy Bex for the input:thumb:
Also to Rush, slimming site looks OK, have downloaded their 7 day trial diet to look at:thumb:
And thanks to everyone else, including Exmoor!