I checked my windows xp home edition for pending updates and was surprised
to find such a large Priority update to be installed. It was KB 951847 "MS
NET Framework SP1 and NET Framework 3.5 Family Update". The download size is
248.4 MB, and the recommended HD space is 4580MB. I normally install all
high priority updates without question. Because of it's size, and that it
only seems to be for NET Framework applications, I wanted to get some kind
of confirmation from MS that this is a good thing to install. I do have the
HD space for it. Thanks for your help. Charles Ranheim
to find such a large Priority update to be installed. It was KB 951847 "MS
NET Framework SP1 and NET Framework 3.5 Family Update". The download size is
248.4 MB, and the recommended HD space is 4580MB. I normally install all
high priority updates without question. Because of it's size, and that it
only seems to be for NET Framework applications, I wanted to get some kind
of confirmation from MS that this is a good thing to install. I do have the
HD space for it. Thanks for your help. Charles Ranheim