Jacques said:
Is it possible to print a picture (gif, jpg, etc) with larger sizes than
sheets of paper (8.5 by 11 inches) like 2 feet by 3 feet
The fact that you are asking this question indicates that you are not a
professional printer, so I presume you are asking if you can print
poster size pictures with a consumer level printer and scanner/digital
camera combination.
Sure, both via software (as mentioned by other posters) and/or a large
format printer (which costs loadsadough). But unless you have a really
hi-res image (ie around 4000 pixels along the short dimension) it won't
look good "at normal viewing distances" of about 2-4ft. It will be
noticeably blurry. If the poster is going to be hung where normal
viewing distance is 5-6ft or more, it will look OK from that distance.
There's software that will change image size and interpolate pixels when
you enlarge the image, but it still won't look very good up close. You
can't get more information out of an image than is already in there. NB
that ordinary consumer level scanners that promise "up to 4800 dpi"
don't really scan at that resolution - they just interpolate pixels
between the ones that are scanned (usually at 600 or 1200 _optical_
dpi). You need a scanner that can do 4800 _optical_ dpi (or better) to
get a scan of high enough resolution to get decent large format prints.
Fact is, the typical consumer level scanner or digital camera will not
produce originals good enough for even good quality large format prints,
let alone very good or excellent. "Barely good enough at a distance" is
the best you'll get. Even for good 8-1/2" x 11" prints you need images
with a res in the 2400x1600 range.
That being said, only you know what compromises you are willing to
accept. Good luck and have fun experimenting!