Sure, you can do dat.
But, guess what. It requires a pair of VBA Macros (ignores the groans from
the crowd).
You gonna get a quick and dirty version here so's buckle in and hold on.
1) Insert the picture and allow it to flow over the sides of the slide
2) Find out the name of the object
3) If you need it, the Rename add-in is very good for this
4) Click View | Toolbars | Controls
5) Select the Spin Tool
6) Place it across the bottom of the slide
7) Right click on the control
8) Select Properties
9) Adjust the following properties:
Delay = 1
Min = -99999
Max = 99999
10) Place it across the bottom of the slide
11) Paste the code below into the VBE
12) Modify the code -- replace 'Picture 4' with you object's name.
13) Play with the property of the Spin tool
Sit back and be amazed....
<<<<<<<<< Code Begins Here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Option Explicit
Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown()
With ActivePresentation.Slides _
(SlideShowWindows(1).View. _
CurrentShowPosition).Shapes _
("Picture 4")
.Left = .Left - 5
End With
End Sub
Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp()
With ActivePresentation.Slides _
(SlideShowWindows(1).View. _
CurrentShowPosition).Shapes _
("Picture 4")
.Left = .Left + 5
End With
End Sub
<<<<<<<<< Code Ends Here >>>>>>>>>>>>>
You can further modify the code and properties to keep the picture from
being moved completely off the screen or to take larger or smaller movement
If there are items you need help with or do not understand, please post
back. We'll help.
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.
Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.