large download in http, not enough space on local disc

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andra
  • Start date Start date


how to download from web page (not ftp) a large file if there is not space
on local C enough for whole download? I direct download to a (mapped) shared
disk in the network but it fails due to small C.
Andra said:
how to download from web page (not ftp) a large file if there is not space
on local C enough for whole download? I direct download to a (mapped)
disk in the network but it fails due to small C.

The download may be going to a temporary file on your machine before being
copied to the final destination, so the lack of space on your own drive will
cause it to fail.

If you can physically get to the machine that's sharing the mapped drive
download it directly to that, or get someone to do it for you.

If your own drive is more than about 3/4 full you may be getting poor
performance from it anyway. Can you remove anything from it that's no longer
used? You may be able to remove temporary internet files and stuff, and
compact email messages if you use Outlook Express, then defragment the
drive, but I honestly think if space is that tight that another drive would
be the best answer in the longer term.

And where have /you/ been hiding all this time, Charlie? <wink>

Charlie Tame wrote:
PA Bear said:
And where have /you/ been hiding all this time, Charlie? <wink>

Charlie Tame wrote:

Honestly PA it has been so darned hectic at work that I've not been able to
get back to follow up on things I start. I hate doing that because it then
leaves someone else "Holding the baby".

Unfortunately I am going to have to miss the MVP conference thing again this
year too - seriously contemplating a change of occupation. - not to mention
that a vacation without being on call would be nice. You can bet if I go to
visit anyone I get called :)

Love the job but oh dear!

Thanks for asking though, at least somebody missed me :)


One idea was to put user profile on the network share but currently it's not
worth trouble.

For IE part, it doesn't show any problem until after hours of seemingly
successful download it copies part of the file.

Charlie Tame wrote
Well I think that's the problem. IE saves the file in a temporary file until
download is complete then copies it to the final destination file when
complete. If it runs out of space then it can't complete the job.

I don't know of a way around this if disk space is so tight.

I mean there are settings for the temporary internet folder that might free
up some space, you get at these via tools>internet options>general tab and
you could take control of the virtual memory allocation (how much space is
allocated on your drive for stuff that won't fit in memory) and you may get
away with this one file but it's a lot of trouble and best not to mess with
settings for virtual memory unless you want to experiment.
