Bill Martin
Using Excel 2003 I recorded a macro that opens a second file, copies a large
amount of data from it that gets pasted into the original file, then closes this
second file. I've used this code as a base to do what I actually want.
My problem is when the code closes the second file with:
ActiveWindow.Close Savechanges:=False
At that point Excel comes to a halt with a message window telling me that
there's a large amount of data on the clipboard, and do I want to save it? How
do I get VBA to tell it 'no' without this message window coming up?
amount of data from it that gets pasted into the original file, then closes this
second file. I've used this code as a base to do what I actually want.
My problem is when the code closes the second file with:
ActiveWindow.Close Savechanges:=False
At that point Excel comes to a halt with a message window telling me that
there's a large amount of data on the clipboard, and do I want to save it? How
do I get VBA to tell it 'no' without this message window coming up?