Laptop through hifi

Mar 5, 2004
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Not very hi-tech this one im afraid. Im watching dvd's on my lapop, but the speakers are rubbish, so i went to currys and bought a phono cable to send the sounds to my hifi. It works, but the sound is rubbish, its all crackly and cant handle bass. Any ideas? I wasnt expecting amazing quality, but it is really pretty rubbish!! :-(

Try turning the volume down a little within the laptop volume mixer settings m8
It maybe over modulating a touch

The output from the laptop maybe be higher than the hifi input can handle
Thanks mate, i'll give that a go. I assume from what you say, i should have the sound on the laptop really low and then have the sound on the hifi higher?

Hey, just wanted to say thanks, its working. I have to have the volume on my laptop down as low as it will go before it is muted. Its not great quality, but its better than the speakers that come with the laptop.

Thanks again.