
I fell victim to an aim virus. It said they're talking about us on
myspace. Me being a myspace addict, I click on it to see what's up. It
says "Installed" right before my laptop unexpectedly shuts down. I
reboot thinking I can just delete it with Mcafee Virus Scan, I was
wrong. The Windows XP Welcome screen came up as usual. So, I click on
my profile to go into my account. It said "Loading Your Settings..." .
Almost immediatly after im done reading the "Loading Your Settings..."
it says "Saving Your Settings..." and takes me right back to the
Welcome screen. I try doing this atleast 10 times after the initial
try. Then I talk to a friend on A.I.M. using my desktop, because he
knows more about computers than I do. He suggests that I try booting it
in safe mode and all of these other kinds of modes. But anyways,
nothing seems to work and I'm kinda pissed because it's been like that
for months now. So any kind of help is appreciated, even if the help
doesn't work. It's the thought that counts! Thanks for helping!


Ronnie Vernon MVP

Your best bet, at this point, is to locate a nearby computer repair shop (Not the geek squad) and take the system there to get it fixed.

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