Laptop restarts - help

Feb 5, 2007
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My laptop continuously restarts itself and brings up a blue error screen with following messages:

- that I tried to install software (which I did not) and it was not properly installed;

- that I must disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing

- stop x000000C2 and others

- beginning dumping of physical memory

What is wrong and how do I correct it?
What is the make of the laptop and what operating system are you running?

Does it restart all the time or just occasionally?
It's a Dell Latitute C510/C610. Just started doing it all of the sudden. We even re-installed XP, but still does it. Some days it restarts about every 5 mins and then again every hour or so. error: bad pool caller. I know nothing about pc's and this one is on it's way out the window soon.