Laptop Recomendations

Mar 10, 2005
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Hopefully, I will be going off to university in the upcoming year and I thought it would be a good idea to purchase a laptop, to write up my notes and stuff in lectures

I need some advice on laptops because they are pretty new to me and i'm not sure what I am looking for

Ideally I want it to be quick, play games to a reasonable standard (Talking COD4 here), A lot of diskspace and prefferebaly Windows Vista. I would also like one with a reasonably big screen (HD) so that I can watch movies on it as well as playing games, maybe even hook up and Xbox360 to it

As for price i'm not to sure, nothing over £1000, preffereably in the £500 - £700 bracket

I was looking at Macs, but im not sure it would be a wise move as I am pretty familiar with Windows

Thank ooo


EDIT: And it has to look cool :P Sony Vaio's look neat, we have one in the home atm, but its getting on a little and I remember they pre-install it with a load of crap
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PC World & Staples doing good bargains at the moment.
Check out National press for more info.:thumb:

but would should I be looking at because I know the CPU and GFX cards differ from computers to laptops