Laptop problem

Apr 23, 2003
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My friend decided to formatt his laptop as it was full of spyware and had many problems. So he put the recovery disc in and it started formatting the hard drive but each time it does it comes with an error. So it restarts the laptop and does it all again, each time having an error. He cant get back on to windows as it is partly formated. So i tryed to put a normal windows disc into the laptop and tried to format the laptop using that disc but again during formating it came up with error.

Any ideas??

I think he needs a new hard drive but i am not sure if he can with the laptop he has

Any suggestions would be helpfull.

OK, thats not a hard drive problem but a corrupt installation. You'll need to be 100% sure that it boots from the CD and starts to format it, as that should sort it.

Does it format ok, but gives that error after it has formatted and starts to install windows?
Ian Cunningham said:
OK, thats not a hard drive problem but a corrupt installation. You'll need to be 100% sure that it boots from the CD and starts to format it, as that should sort it.

Does it format ok, but gives that error after it has formatted and starts to install windows?

What happans is i tell it to format and it starts to and it usaually gets to bot 2% and then it says the error and re-starts
B4 you go splashing that cash . . . . .

Windows shoudl have asked if you wantedt o delete the partition prior to formattingt eh drive, if not, try to obtain an old win98 boot floppy and use FDISK to delete the main partition. its a stab in the dark, but worth a shot. then once you have deleted the partition, your windows install should ask if you want one creating.

Ignore the fact its a lappy, its just a pc with an awkward chassis to work in :)
.-=ManQ=-. said:
B4 you go splashing that cash . . . . .

Windows shoudl have asked if you wantedt o delete the partition prior to formattingt eh drive, if not, try to obtain an old win98 boot floppy and use FDISK to delete the main partition. its a stab in the dark, but worth a shot. then once you have deleted the partition, your windows install should ask if you want one creating.

Ignore the fact its a lappy, its just a pc with an awkward chassis to work in :)

I agree about testing it a little more before getting a new harddrive. Most harddrive manufacturers have tools you can use to test their own hard drives with. Maxtor, Western Digital, Hitachi, Seagate are all drives I have used HDD diagnostic tools on. This will let you know if your hard drive has an error on it. Sometimes, they'll even give you the option to low-level format the harddrive. ;) Which will also remove the partition like -=MaxQ=- said. Making it easier to intall windows as well since the hard drive was COMPLETELY wiped.