Laptop power schemes disappeared

  • Thread starter Thread starter Grand_Poobah
  • Start date Start date


Does anyone know how to create a new power scheme? My laptop has
suddenly decided that I have NO power schemes. Nada. There is nothing
in the drop-down list for the control panel power control, and when you
drop down the "list" it is completely blank.

The second panel (plugged in & running on batteries columns) is totally
greyed out with the heading of "unknown" on the frame. All the other
tabs across the top are functional and show what they should be showing
regarding batteries and such.

My problem, as I see it, is trying to enter text into the dialog box and
being able to click "Save As" - but no amount of typing will get text
into this field; so, the Save As won't work (and neither will the
'Apply' button come alive.

Does anyone know how to create a new power scheme? My laptop has
suddenly decided that I have NO power schemes. Nada. There is nothing
in the drop-down list for the control panel power control, and when you
drop down the "list" it is completely blank.

The second panel (plugged in & running on batteries columns) is totally
greyed out with the heading of "unknown" on the frame. All the other
tabs across the top are functional and show what they should be showing
regarding batteries and such.

My problem, as I see it, is trying to enter text into the dialog box and
being able to click "Save As" - but no amount of typing will get text
into this field; so, the Save As won't work (and neither will the
'Apply' button come alive.


Nobody, eh?
Does anyone know how to create a new power scheme? My laptop has
suddenly decided that I have NO power schemes. Nada. There is nothing
in the drop-down list for the control panel power control, and when you
drop down the "list" it is completely blank.

The second panel (plugged in & running on batteries columns) is totally
greyed out with the heading of "unknown" on the frame. All the other
tabs across the top are functional and show what they should be showing
regarding batteries and such.

My problem, as I see it, is trying to enter text into the dialog box and
being able to click "Save As" - but no amount of typing will get text
into this field; so, the Save As won't work (and neither will the
'Apply' button come alive.


Nobody eh?

I have tried Tip #204 on Kelly's Korner page, but it does NOT work
(Powercfgrestore.reg). I located them in the Registry where they SHOULD
be, and there are 13 of them (1-13) but apparently none of them are
visible to the control panel app for some strange reason.

The laptop functions, but not being able to have the screen shut down
automatically and such flattens the battery pretty fast.

Grand_Poobah said:

Nobody eh?

I have tried Tip #204 on Kelly's Korner page, but it does NOT work
(Powercfgrestore.reg). I located them in the Registry where they SHOULD be,
and there are 13 of them (1-13) but apparently none of them are visible to the
control panel app for some strange reason.

The laptop functions, but not being able to have the screen shut down
automatically and such flattens the battery pretty fast.


Run the Registry Editor again.
Navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies
Delete any subkeys numbered larger than 5.
Do the same for this key.


You only want to leave the subkeys numbered 0 through 5. These represent the 6
default power schemes. The keys numbered greater than 5 represent user created
power schemes. On occasion, if one of these extra schemes gets corrupted it
effects all the schemes.

Good luck

Run the Registry Editor again.
Navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies
Delete any subkeys numbered larger than 5.
Do the same for this key.


You only want to leave the subkeys numbered 0 through 5. These represent the 6
default power schemes. The keys numbered greater than 5 represent user created
power schemes. On occasion, if one of these extra schemes gets corrupted it
effects all the schemes.

Good luck


That did it! I've been a Denver Bronco fan for over 30 years, but Go Pats!

What really is curious is that I cannot remember ever making any changes
to the default 'laptop/portable' settings at all.

Grand_Poobah said:

That did it! I've been a Denver Bronco fan for over 30 years, but Go Pats!

What really is curious is that I cannot remember ever making any changes to
the default 'laptop/portable' settings at all.


Glad to hear you were able to get the power schemes back.

Nepatsfan;3021759 said:
"Grand_Poobah" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
"Grand_Poobah" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
Does anyone know how to create a new power scheme? My laptop ha
decided that I have NO power schemes. Nada. There is nothing in th

drop-down list for the control panel power control, and when you dro
the "list" it is completely blank.

The second panel (plugged in & running on batteries columns) i
greyed out with the heading of "unknown" on the frame. All the othe
across the top are functional and show what they should be showing
regarding batteries and such.

My problem, as I see it, is trying to enter text into the dialog bo
being able to click "Save As" - but no amount of typing will get tex
this field; so, the Save As won't work (and neither will the 'Apply
come alive.

Nobody eh?

I have tried Tip #204 on Kelly's Korner page, but it does NOT work
(Powercfgrestore.reg). I located them in the Registry where the
and there are 13 of them (1-13) but apparently none of them ar
visible to
the control panel app for some strange reason.

The laptop functions, but not being able to have the screen shut dow

automatically and such flattens the battery pretty fast.


Run the Registry Editor again.
Navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies
Delete any subkeys numbered larger than 5.
Do the same for this key.



You only want to leave the subkeys numbered 0 through 5. Thes
represent the
6 default power schemes. The keys numbered greater than 5 represen
created power schemes. On occasion, if one of these extra schemes get

corrupted it effects all the schemes.

Good luck


That did it! I've been a Denver Bronco fan for over 30 years, but G

What really is curious is that I cannot remember ever making an
changes to
the default 'laptop/portable' settings at all.


Glad to hear you were able to get the power schemes back.


I did this and it didn't work for me. I had numbers ranging from -
through 10. I deleted -1, and 6 to 10, but 10 keeps re-appreaing an
my power schemes have not. Any ideas? I'm stumpe
Miz_delite said:
I did this and it didn't work for me. I had numbers ranging from -1
through 10. I deleted -1, and 6 to 10, but 10 keeps re-appreaing and
my power schemes have not. Any ideas? I'm stumped

Sorry, but if you tried the procedure I outlined and it didn't work for you, any
suggestions I could provide would be at best guesses and might result in you
ending up with more problems than you have currently.

What I will suggest is that you post a new question to the XP General group and
provide as much information as possible about this issue. Since that group sees
more activity than this one, it's possible that someone there may have dealt
with this problem and have a solution.

Good luck

Nepatsfan;3040563 said:
"Miz_delite" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message

Nepatsfan;3021759 Wrote:-
"Grand_Poobah" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
"Grand_Poobah" (e-mail address removed) wrote in message
Does anyone know how to create a new power scheme? My laptop has
decided that I have NO power schemes. Nada. There is nothing in the

drop-down list for the control panel power control, and when you drop
the "list" it is completely blank.

The second panel (plugged in & running on batteries columns) is
greyed out with the heading of "unknown" on the frame. All the other
across the top are functional and show what they should be showing
regarding batteries and such.

My problem, as I see it, is trying to enter text into the dialog box
being able to click "Save As" - but no amount of typing will get text
this field; so, the Save As won't work (and neither will the 'Apply'
come alive.

Nobody eh?

I have tried Tip #204 on Kelly's Korner page, but it does NOT work
(Powercfgrestore.reg). I located them in the Registry where they
and there are 13 of them (1-13) but apparently none of them are
visible to
the control panel app for some strange reason.

The laptop functions, but not being able to have the screen shut down

automatically and such flattens the battery pretty fast.


Run the Registry Editor again.
Navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\PowerCfg\PowerPolicies
Delete any subkeys numbered larger than 5.
Do the same for this key.



You only want to leave the subkeys numbered 0 through 5. These
represent the
6 default power schemes. The keys numbered greater than 5 represent
created power schemes. On occasion, if one of these extra scheme

corrupted it effects all the schemes.

Good luck


That did it! I've been a Denver Bronco fan for over 30 years, but Go

What really is curious is that I cannot remember ever making any
changes to
the default 'laptop/portable' settings at all.


Glad to hear you were able to get the power schemes back.


I did this and it didn't work for me. I had numbers ranging from -1
through 10. I deleted -1, and 6 to 10, but 10 keeps re-appreaing and
my power schemes have not. Any ideas? I'm stumped


Sorry, but if you tried the procedure I outlined and it didn't work fo
you, any
suggestions I could provide would be at best guesses and might resul
in you
ending up with more problems than you have currently.

What I will suggest is that you post a new question to the XP Genera
group and
provide as much information as possible about this issue. Since tha
group sees
more activity than this one, it's possible that someone there may hav
with this problem and have a solution.

Good luck


I have figured the issue - its a number 10 that keeps coming back up.
If I do the procedure above and do not re-start then the power schem
comes back but if I restart there is a #10 that comes up in both area
you had me go to above and delete things. Any ideas
I have almost exactly the same problem, "10" reappears on reboot. However
can't even get to power options before reboot after deleting spurious
Regkeys. Did you ever find a solution?