we have a Packard bell 'igo' laptop.
The round socket where the power cable connects looks like it is about to
break. The pin inside is flopping about as if it is broken. It still works
.. for now .. but how do I fix it?
It would be best to not use it at all, unplug the power
adapter. If it further breaks, there is the potential of
shorting out the supply or possibly something else inside.
Either the physical socket itself, or the traces on the
circuit board are damaged. A determination will have to be
made, which it is, and the appropriate measures taken. It
might be possible (since it still works), to merely secure
the socket to the circuit board with some epoxy. It might
instead require the old socket be desoldered and a new one
put in it's place. It might be necessary to repair traces
leading to that socket or add jumper wires to provide an
alternate path for power if the traces are too damaged.
The circuit board the jack is on might be a separate power
board. If so, the whole board would be (usually) far
cheaper to replace than an entire mainboard with socket on
it... just something to consider if you were to disasssemble
it and find that you can't repair it. If you are adept at
makeshift repairs, soldering and similar miniature
elctronics work then you might open it and see what the
problem and possible solutions are. If you're not
expereienced in this work and the laptop still has a couplew
hundred $ in value you might take it to a repair shop.
By repair shop, you could try a computer shop that does
laptops, and expect that they will insist that whichever
entire circuit board the socket is on, needs replaced. Of
course there is a possiblity you'd run into someone who does
board-level repairs but generally speaking, you might be
more likely to find someone who could, would be prone to do
a component repair like that at a general purpose
electronics repair shop rather than a PC/laptop shop.