Laptop - Password

Jan 14, 2006
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Been asked to help a friend get in to a Laptop that was their Fathers?
He has no idea what the password was, it boots up then asks for it?
Any ways to get round it & get vital data off the hdd?
Which OS is it?

You could remove the drive from the laptop and then plug it into another PC, you should be able to get the data from it that way :). You may need an external drive caddy to do that though (around a tenner I'd guess).
Blimey a genuine request :eek:

Most threads of this ilk go (roughly translated):

'Ello innit everybody my bruvver went out last night and burgled about six homes and I now got this laptop but I can't open it cos it weren't mine and I don't know the password know what I mean?

'So, like, guys, help me out - how do I crack this?

'Help me and will love you forever'.

But of course in this instance we seem to have a genuine problem.

My word.
They got by it i think through slaving the drive on another pc.
As not heard back from them i think it's all ok now!

They only ring when they want help!:rolleyes:
I also have a handful of people who I only ever seem to see when their computer goes belly-up.

This is why I do not repair computers if I can help it. It's a competitive field and not a very profitable one.

And after you've fixed it, and it goes wrong through user-stupidity/ignorance or hardware failure, they will blame you as you were the last one to work on it.

So, me no do that thing at all unless I'm forcibly coerced.