"Roger Egberg" said:
I am trying to network my laptop with my pc using the usb
ports on both machines, but the no wizard comes up with
either machine to connect them. Can both machines be
connected using the usb ports?
It isn't possible to connect two computers using a standard USB cable,
so don't feel bad that you didn't see how to do it!
Here are two ways to do what you want:
1. Get a pair of USB Ethernet adapters and connect them just like
Ethernet adapters that mount inside a computer. Connecting two
computers directly, without a hub, switch, or router, requires a
specially wired crossover cable.
2. Get a USB-to-USB cable, with added circuitry, that can connect two
computers directly. Here are some sites for more information:
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)
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