Laptop & Desktop chart sizes different


Len Schwer

Hi --

When at home my laptop is docked and I use a 17" screen. My
default Excel charts are about 6 inches wide. When my laptop is
not docked and I use the built-in 10" screen, the default charts
are much smaller, maybe 3-4" wide. The smaller charts stay small
when I re-dock and open the saved workbook.

Anyone why this happens and how to eliminate the smaller default
charts when using the undocked laptop?

Thanks, --len

PS - A simple rescaling via corner dragging, also increases the
font size of the titles and axes labels.

Jon Peltier

Len -

When you create a chart, Excel draws it in the active pane (or active
window if you haven't split panes), about half the height and width of
the pane, centered within the pane. If a chart is going to be too small,
Excel makes it larger than half the active pane in size. Once the chart
is made, you're stuck with it, unless you stretch it yourself.

To fix those pesky fonts:

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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