Lapsed Time when 1 date is null

  • Thread starter Thread starter KerryC
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to create an Aging Report and calculate the number of NetworkDays
between 2 dates in Access 2007. Often times, the 2nd date is Null. In those
cases, I want to calculate the Datediff between the first date and Now().
But if the 2nd date is NOT Null, then I want to do a regular

I like the NETWORKDAYS function in Excel in that it will remove the Holidays
you specify. How do I incorporate that into the Datediff function as well in
this case.

I'm still new at this. I know there must be some VBA or Macro or Expression
I can do in my query to get the desired result.
First question. Use the NZ function to force today's date if the field is null.


The equivalent of NewWorkDays is a VBA function. Or a calendar table that
flags non-work days.

Right now (for some reason) I can't find my references to posted VBA
functions. Hopefully someone else will post the URL's. If not, I will
eventually find my notes on the locations.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
1. Null issue
You'll have to test for a null value and then act accordingly. IE:
dt1 = Me.DateControl1
If IsNull(Me.DateControl2)=True Then
dt2 = Date
dt2 = Me.DateControl2
End If
or instead of IsNull you might use IsDate

Then proceed with your calc.

2. NetworkDays
For this look at the pre-made functions available at

Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
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