Amedee Van Gasse
One of our users reported this error:
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database",
"ODBC;DSN=DB2;UID=xxxxxxxx;PWD=xxxxxxxxx;DBALIAS=DB2", acTable,
"U.D604_RO", "U_D604_RO", , True
Works OK when the Office language/locale is set to English.
Fails with error "type ODBC Database niet gekend" (type ODBC Database
unknown) when the Office language/locale is set to Dutch.
I'm not familiar with Access so if anyone could please enlighten me it
would be very much appreciated.
One of our users reported this error:
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acLink, "ODBC Database",
"ODBC;DSN=DB2;UID=xxxxxxxx;PWD=xxxxxxxxx;DBALIAS=DB2", acTable,
"U.D604_RO", "U_D604_RO", , True
Works OK when the Office language/locale is set to English.
Fails with error "type ODBC Database niet gekend" (type ODBC Database
unknown) when the Office language/locale is set to Dutch.
I'm not familiar with Access so if anyone could please enlighten me it
would be very much appreciated.