Darren Oakey
Hi all,
I just thought I'd throw down what I think are the three biggest language
inadequacies of C#, hopefully so that people will jump on the bandwagon and
lobby MS to fix them! So - in order:
*** 1 - lack of const ***
I know this has been mentioned before, so I won't get into it, but really,
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??? Personally, I'd actually like to go a little
further and invert the const logic - so all parameter declarations are const
unless otherwise specified. "changes" keyword? But seriously, we NEED a
const. I am literally going through and making a const interface of every
class, which I pass around most of the time to compensate. It doubles the
*** 2 - templates ***
we need them, they are going to come, so why weren't they there from the
beginning???? The worst thing is, if you look at the MS research site, the
way they are trying to put them in _changes the framework_!! (so much for
all those people developing for other devices, like me!!) Now, lets
remember that C++ was just a preprocessor over C... Who's going to be the
first to make the C# template preprocessor that integrates with the IDE -
you'd make a fortune!
*** 3 - statics in interfaces ***
This is the one that incited this because I haven't seen a lot of people
talking about it, but it gets me almost every day. I was whinging about it
to a friend today, and he said he had exactly the same problem yesterday -
why isn't it more of a complaint?
Why the hell (mind my French) can't we put a static function in an
interface??? So often I come up with this! I'll give you just one example
of many :
Interface Move
Player Player {get;}
Piece Piece {get;}
BoardSpace Space {get;}
bool IsNullMove {get;}f
Fine - that's your Move interface.. but you want a s
I just thought I'd throw down what I think are the three biggest language
inadequacies of C#, hopefully so that people will jump on the bandwagon and
lobby MS to fix them! So - in order:
*** 1 - lack of const ***
I know this has been mentioned before, so I won't get into it, but really,
WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??? Personally, I'd actually like to go a little
further and invert the const logic - so all parameter declarations are const
unless otherwise specified. "changes" keyword? But seriously, we NEED a
const. I am literally going through and making a const interface of every
class, which I pass around most of the time to compensate. It doubles the

*** 2 - templates ***
we need them, they are going to come, so why weren't they there from the
beginning???? The worst thing is, if you look at the MS research site, the
way they are trying to put them in _changes the framework_!! (so much for
all those people developing for other devices, like me!!) Now, lets
remember that C++ was just a preprocessor over C... Who's going to be the
first to make the C# template preprocessor that integrates with the IDE -
you'd make a fortune!
*** 3 - statics in interfaces ***
This is the one that incited this because I haven't seen a lot of people
talking about it, but it gets me almost every day. I was whinging about it
to a friend today, and he said he had exactly the same problem yesterday -
why isn't it more of a complaint?
Why the hell (mind my French) can't we put a static function in an
interface??? So often I come up with this! I'll give you just one example
of many :
Interface Move
Player Player {get;}
Piece Piece {get;}
BoardSpace Space {get;}
bool IsNullMove {get;}f
Fine - that's your Move interface.. but you want a s