donna roehrig
We are running a W2k server and the LAN was working fine
till last week when we got hit with a virus and a ton of
trojans. We got all of them cleaned up and installed
Sygate Firewall and have an anittrojan program running
and now my 10 computer lan will not connect to the
server. I have been very frustrated with this and since I
am a beginner with networking I am lost. I have turned
things on and off, reinstalled things I thought may have
got corrupted and still nothing. We have a Cisco router
that assigns the IP address so DHCP is not turned on. I
am completely lost on what to do. Anyone have any ideas
on what I should do or where to look in the OS to fix
this? Thanks so very much everyone for all your help.
Donna Roehrig
till last week when we got hit with a virus and a ton of
trojans. We got all of them cleaned up and installed
Sygate Firewall and have an anittrojan program running
and now my 10 computer lan will not connect to the
server. I have been very frustrated with this and since I
am a beginner with networking I am lost. I have turned
things on and off, reinstalled things I thought may have
got corrupted and still nothing. We have a Cisco router
that assigns the IP address so DHCP is not turned on. I
am completely lost on what to do. Anyone have any ideas
on what I should do or where to look in the OS to fix
this? Thanks so very much everyone for all your help.
Donna Roehrig