Lan problems

Aug 22, 2004
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my pc crashed and restarted this moring, and when it came back on i couldnt connect online
i have a nergear router with a wired connection - i have a m2n-sli deluxe motherboard with 2 onboard ports

when i have the wire connected it say im connected - status says some info has been sent but 0 has been recived

i have tried both ports and none seam to work, ive tested router out with laptop and its working on the wire and wireless

ive reinstalled my network card drivers and still its not working

im connected with the usb network adapter thing so its not the pc thats messed up

would you agree that i should just buy a network card ? or are there things that i should try before i but one

im on win xp, just ask if you need anymore info
Start>settings>network connections>enter and right click the lan> repair?
Rebooted the router?

Other pc's.laptops work ok?
tried both of the above and still dont work - other lattop works fine before and after i made changes
It would appear that the onboard network chip blew when the computer crashed wouldn't it?

Your suggestion to try a network card seems the most sensible and the most economical as it's unlikely the pci bus has been damaged.

It's possible, in fact, that the netwwork chip blowing caused the crash.

A network card is cheap. If that doesn't work (unlikely imo) then consider biting the bullet and getting a new motherboard.

And just out of interest, I'm using an M2N-Sli motherboard, has served me well now for several years.
thax floppy - sure you was one of the guys that said or recommended that i get the m2n board - been fine for me for years too - as you can see i havent needed to ask for hep for ages

catch ya later - off to buy a new card

** got a new network board and everything is sorted now :)
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