I want to play some old games (Atomic Bomberman etc) with my friend, but
there is only option for playin in LAN (IPX protocol). Is there any
software that can emulate LAN while me and my friend are on internet ?
(He is at his home, I'm in mine - internet = only solution)
The only way I know of to do this would be via VPN. The only freeware
products that I know of are Linux based. For this, one of you would need
a Linux machine on a LAN and the other wold need VPN client software.
AFAIK, Windows versions of client software can be had for free as well.
You could probably get VNC or Tight VNC to do something for you here,
but I'm unsure of how you could properly emmulate another machine,
unless you create a virtual box, using something like BOCHS and run the
VNC host inside of that, and use it as your LAN/Internet gateway. This
has a real chance of working, But I have no idea if bandwidth would be
sufficient. I've had a great deal of network stability problems, that is
keeping a network connection alive, inside of a BOCHS VM, but as always