Patrick Obrecht
Our costumer has a network with Windows XP Professional
Clients and Windows NT 4.0 Servers. When a Client connects
to the Server to open Files(with Excel, Word or Explorer)
it takes a very long time to list the files that are in
the folders. We have to wait about 30 seconds or 1 minute
to list ~100 files with a Windows XP Client, the same
folder listed with a Windows 95 or 98 Client only takes 2
seconds. In addition we have determined that there is a
high rate of collisions in the network when we listen
folders or copy files over the network. There is a 100 MB
Have you got an idea how we can reduce this collisions and
increase the speed in this network.
Clients and Windows NT 4.0 Servers. When a Client connects
to the Server to open Files(with Excel, Word or Explorer)
it takes a very long time to list the files that are in
the folders. We have to wait about 30 seconds or 1 minute
to list ~100 files with a Windows XP Client, the same
folder listed with a Windows 95 or 98 Client only takes 2
seconds. In addition we have determined that there is a
high rate of collisions in the network when we listen
folders or copy files over the network. There is a 100 MB
Have you got an idea how we can reduce this collisions and
increase the speed in this network.