using: Windows Vista Home Premium and deskstop PC
I'm currently using dial-up but i'm still planning on getting highspeed with
wireless internet connection to share with my sister and not completely sure
if wireless will work in my configuration. When i had XP installed in network
connections under LAN or High-Speed Internet it has 2 item, Local Area
Connection properties ( Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet Nic) and
I394 wireless option connection (not sure about the name). Ever Since I
installed Windows Vista i now have 1 item listed under LAN or High-Speed
Internet only Local Are Connection properties ( Realtek RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet Nic) is showing and 1394 wireless option properties is now
missing (not completely sure of the name). Do i need a driver for the
wireless option to show under LAN or High-Speed? or update the Realtek
RTL8139/810 family Fast Ethernet Nic? not complete sure why only 1 item on
Lan or High-speed Internet is show now after Vista was installed.
I'm currently using dial-up but i'm still planning on getting highspeed with
wireless internet connection to share with my sister and not completely sure
if wireless will work in my configuration. When i had XP installed in network
connections under LAN or High-Speed Internet it has 2 item, Local Area
Connection properties ( Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet Nic) and
I394 wireless option connection (not sure about the name). Ever Since I
installed Windows Vista i now have 1 item listed under LAN or High-Speed
Internet only Local Are Connection properties ( Realtek RTL8139/810x Family
Fast Ethernet Nic) is showing and 1394 wireless option properties is now
missing (not completely sure of the name). Do i need a driver for the
wireless option to show under LAN or High-Speed? or update the Realtek
RTL8139/810 family Fast Ethernet Nic? not complete sure why only 1 item on
Lan or High-speed Internet is show now after Vista was installed.