Labtech corded mouse stopped working...

May 20, 2016
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Hello I am new to this and am looking for help...
My wired labtech mouse stopped working all of a sudden last night (I'm on windows 10) and I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it said USB device not recognized and when I went to the device manager and the mouse was a Unreconized usb device and it said (device descriptor request failed) and I don't know how to fix it I'm on my laptop and I would really enjoy some help it also says error code 43 PLEASE HELP I CANT LIVE WITHOUT MY MOUSE!
Hello I am new to this and am looking for help...
My wired labtech mouse stopped working all of a sudden last night (I'm on windows 10) and I unplugged it and plugged it back in and it said USB device not recognized and when I went to the device manager and the mouse was a Unreconized usb device and it said (device descriptor request failed) and I don't know how to fix it I'm on my laptop and I would really enjoy some help it also says error code 43 PLEASE HELP I CANT LIVE WITHOUT MY MOUSE!
My mouse is dead I tried it in another computer same problem I am glad for all of your concern and now sadly my gaming and computer experience will be much more dulled have a wonderful day and thank you for trying to help