I would like to carry a label with a specific data point on a lin
I keep track of my blood pressure on a spreadsheet. I use a lin
chart. I keep notes next to the data column of things that affect i
such as starting/stopping a medication or stressful circumstances an
show it to my doctor. It would help if I could show those note
somehow on the graph.
I know I can insert a text label on the chart much like a title. Bu
that doesn't work very well because when I add more data on the sam
page, the graph shifts so the label isn't associated with the same dat
point anymore. I have about 4 years worth of daily data for this.
Currently I handwrite the notes on the graph which is tedious and no
very accurate.
Idea to solve this: (1) Is there a way to put have a label that ca
be carried next to the data point on the line? (2) Is there a way t
put in a second label on the x-axis along with the date? (3) Can
create a 2nd x-axis that runs on the top of the graph with differen
labels? (4) Is there a way to plot a column with text in it?
I have excel 97. The x-axis is set as column A (date) and data point
in columns B & C. The data is a single number in mmHg for bloo
pressure. Col D is a notes column that isn't in the graph. I hav
created 4 charts, each covering different lengths of time, whole 4 yrs
whole 4 yrs broken into two pages, last 6 months, last 3 months.
Thanks for your help!
I keep track of my blood pressure on a spreadsheet. I use a lin
chart. I keep notes next to the data column of things that affect i
such as starting/stopping a medication or stressful circumstances an
show it to my doctor. It would help if I could show those note
somehow on the graph.
I know I can insert a text label on the chart much like a title. Bu
that doesn't work very well because when I add more data on the sam
page, the graph shifts so the label isn't associated with the same dat
point anymore. I have about 4 years worth of daily data for this.
Currently I handwrite the notes on the graph which is tedious and no
very accurate.
Idea to solve this: (1) Is there a way to put have a label that ca
be carried next to the data point on the line? (2) Is there a way t
put in a second label on the x-axis along with the date? (3) Can
create a 2nd x-axis that runs on the top of the graph with differen
labels? (4) Is there a way to plot a column with text in it?
I have excel 97. The x-axis is set as column A (date) and data point
in columns B & C. The data is a single number in mmHg for bloo
pressure. Col D is a notes column that isn't in the graph. I hav
created 4 charts, each covering different lengths of time, whole 4 yrs
whole 4 yrs broken into two pages, last 6 months, last 3 months.
Thanks for your help!
