I think you will find Is Null is interpreted okay in the context of a
Control Source. Where possible I do prefer that to using IsNull(), to avoid
the extra function call.
This text box is a quazi-label for the Fao field. If the field Fao is not
null, it returns the literal text Fao, i.e. it acts as a label. The point of
making it Null when Fao is null is that the text box Can Shrink. So if Fao
is null, both the text box and its quazi-label shrink, allowing the entire
line to disappear from the report. If you use a label as normal, the Caption
of the label prints on the line, so it will not shrink.
Please do post back if I am missing something here.
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
Douglas J. Steele said:
Allen: PMFJI, but shouldn't that be =IIf(IsNull([Fao]), Null, "Fao") ?
thought Is Null only worked in SQL statements.
But what's the point of that statement? What does that do differently than
just using [Fao] as the Control Source?