I concatenated a field called grant number in my select
query. When I link my select query to generate a report my
grant id field label reads tblIMPAC.GRANTID and other
field label reads Expr1000. The report information changes
daily and when I link my query up to my report I manually
go into the design and change the information back to its
original field names which is: GRANT ID and FY(future
year). Is there a way to automate the labels in a report
so that they will remain the same as what was designed in
the query?
query. When I link my select query to generate a report my
grant id field label reads tblIMPAC.GRANTID and other
field label reads Expr1000. The report information changes
daily and when I link my query up to my report I manually
go into the design and change the information back to its
original field names which is: GRANT ID and FY(future
year). Is there a way to automate the labels in a report
so that they will remain the same as what was designed in
the query?