Harry Simpson
I've got a very weird problem. In the IDE running in debug mode, I
calculate the base36 number and display it in a label. Works great. Access
a local CE data table for the number.
When i deploy the cab to the device via install....everything works great -
app starts up does lots of local db hits etc. Everything works except the
getting the number to display in the label. Even check the database and all
the info is there.
Noticed that the IDE running to device via ActiveSync installs
System_SR_enu.cab. From what I've read, this should be in the app cab I
generate for the install program but looking in the cab i don't see it.
Could this cause the label (on a panel) not to display when run on the
device detached vs when the app runs from the IDE debug attached?
Any other things to check. I'm installing sqlce.wce4.armv4.cab......
calculate the base36 number and display it in a label. Works great. Access
a local CE data table for the number.
When i deploy the cab to the device via install....everything works great -
app starts up does lots of local db hits etc. Everything works except the
getting the number to display in the label. Even check the database and all
the info is there.
Noticed that the IDE running to device via ActiveSync installs
System_SR_enu.cab. From what I've read, this should be in the app cab I
generate for the install program but looking in the cab i don't see it.
Could this cause the label (on a panel) not to display when run on the
device detached vs when the app runs from the IDE debug attached?
Any other things to check. I'm installing sqlce.wce4.armv4.cab......